Part 3 and Finale

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Python had been living rather well.

For one, she had plenty of food, her neighbors were nice, and most of all, she never got stressed. Sure, she was alone, but for some odd reason, she had a feeling that there would be someone coming to visit soon.

She got up one morning and went to the market, as she always did. Looking thru the choices of fruit and vegetables, she finally decided on some fresh lemon and tea leaves, brought in from the rainforest just a few days earlier.

Hauling the fruit back to the mansion, she got to work making a rather interesting drink, which she had gotten slightly addicted to. It was a tea, but with a slight twist, and she loved drinking it whenever she felt tired, or uncomfortable.

After she finished making it, she made four cups, for some odd reason. No idea why, but she quickly shrugged off the question. She took a seat on the couch with a cup and opened up a book, titled "The Crow and the Butterfly". It was a love story, about a NightWing and a RainWing, who fell in love during the SandWing war, when NightWings were capturing RainWings and studying them. The couple escaped to the lost continent, and lived happily ever after.

She read the entire day, laughing at the funny parts, and crying at the sad parts. Books really were an emotional roller coaster, ups and downs and lefts and rights. Course, she guessed the writer lived it, and relived it thru writing it. 

The day passed quickly, and she grew tired. Fighting to stay awake, she laid on the couch, but alas, she was lost to sleep.

Python woke to a knocking on the door. Surprising, as it was really late at night. Reluctantly, she got up and yelled "Coming!"

Walking to the front of the house, she approached the front door. With steady talons, she unlocked it and opened it. 

There were three dragons standing in front of the door, two NightWings? They didn't look purebred. Alongside the pair, was a RainWing.

"Who might you three be?" She asked, eager to know who the trio was.

The bigger hybrid spoke up first. "I'm Lupus, this is Starseeker, and this is Mamba." as he spoke, he referenced each dragon to their name, and then asked Python. "Who might you be?"

Python looked rather startled. The only person who ever cared who her name was was Thorn, her boss, well and Blizzard, but she guessed that was out of kindness to his caretaker.

"I'm Python, the caretaker of this house. What brings you here so late at night?" she said, her eyes resting on the RainWing, Mamba. He was stunning, his scales reflecting and shifting in the moonlight. Python couldn't control her heart, and it began to beat faster and faster. She'd only felt this emotion once, toward Blizzard, but that time it didn't feel right. 

This felt perfect.

Lupus broke her daydream with his response. "I am Blizzard's son, and I received a letter saying he had passed. I figured we would come visit, and see what's up with his house." Python nodded thoughtfully. Lupus looked handsome, but Star looked somewhat attached to the other hybrid. She then noticed the silver, or somewhat blue scales under his eyes, and Python guessed he was a mindreader.

Great. She thought.

She responded to Lupus, "Well, I have been expecting you. Care to come in? I know it's rather late."

Lupus obliged, and the trio entered the house. Python noticed again he was scared, and she guessed now that the relationship between him and Blizzard wasn't very good at all.

Python directed the group to the table, where she had the cups set out. She ran to the couch and got hers, and soon they were all seated at the table, with cups of lemon tea in each dragon's talons.

"So," Python said, breaking the silence. "What's your story?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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