Chapter 1: Welcome to Elementalville High -AK-

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I was lost. Terribily lost. My schedule said that my first class of the day was Basics for the Gifted and Talented, a.k.a. BGF. Yet room 202 was no where to be found. I almost ran into another girl walking briskly in the direction that I had been walking in. "Hi there," I said trying to get the other grl's attention. It worked. "I'm new here and can't really control my powers." I started, and as if to emphasize my point, a chair flew across the hallway. I smiled sheepishly. "I'm a freshman. Do you know where i go for classes?"

"Hi," The girl responded back, a smile on her face as she ducked the flying chair. "Schedulews are at the front desk, Mrs. Julian is handing them out. Or you could come to special casses, which is where I'm headed, to learn to control your powers." She said the last part a bit quieter as if she didn't want anyone to hear.

"Okay! I'll follow you then." I followed the girl down the hall, until she walked through the wall. "What the heck?" I comment, apprehensive to follow through the wall. The girl peeks her head back out, her blonde hair waving from her constant quick movment. "Oops! I forgot!" She laughes. "This wall isn't really here." Her face turned dark for a moment. "There are people who want rid of us, so we have to take precautions." Her smile returns as if it had never left. "Come one, the worst this 'wall' will do to you is tickle!"

Still a bit apprehensive, I followed her through the wall. "What's in here?" I asked, taking in my surroundings. It looked like a normal class room, except for a few things. There was windows on the ceiling instead of the walls, there was no teacher, and there were other kids sitting axiously in their seats as if they couldn't wait for class to start.

"Special Classes! I'm one of the junior teachers. This period I teach Light and Spirit elementals, I take it your a spirit?"

"Yeah... i also have minimal control over the weather, but it zaps a lot of energy. I bet I even have more power that I don't even know about. I come from avery powerul family."

"That's.....Very interesting." The girl replies, shuffling around in her desk, obviously looking for something. "Do you know the basic powers of Spirits?"

"Not really." An apple appeared on the desk and started spnning in a circle as I stared at it.

"There it is!" The girl exclaimed, grabbing the apple before making it disappear again. "So my name's Cassandra, and I'm a sophomore here."

"Amanda, but you can call me AK."


I tossed my hair as I entered school. My best friends, and wanna-bes, came crowding around and talking animatedly to me, naturally. It was the average life of a popular girl. Students in the hall made way as I walked down the hall to my locker. I raised my eyebrow as I saw a pale girl with long brown hair walk into a wall. "Hmph." I muttered befor turning to fix my make-up.

Elementalville: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now