Chapter 3: A Whole Lot of Power - Cassandra-

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I was ready, I was pumped, and I was really doing it! The apple was floating a foot above my desk. But then it exploded and applesause landed all over everyone in a one desk radius. I got several glares from my fellow spirit elementals.


"Huh, never seen it explode before," I mutter, holding another apple. "Then again, I just started teaching here." The apple turns green as I hands it to her. "Try again, and think positive."

"Okay..." The apple starts to float and starts to fly around the room, then it changes a bunch of colors and explodes again. "Sorry! Can I try again?"

"Of course!" I grab another apple from my desk, this time pink, and hand it over.

"Okay, let's try a again!" The apple hovers for more than ten seconds without exploding. "I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Then the apple changes color again. "Don't ask me how I can do that!"

"Seems like you have some light elementals in your tree." I comment, a mischievous smile dancing across my face. With a flick of my wrist the apple disappeared. "If you really do have light elemental, mixed with your main element, you should be able to see the apple, I've just mastered that skill though, so if you can't..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean, 'see the apple?' Isn't it still there?"

I smiled, then frowned. "This is bad, very bad." I muttered.

"Wait, what? Why is this bad?" Everything in the room except for the people started to hover and randomly move around; probably due to her feelings. "Am I in trouble?"

"No-no! You're fine!" Cassandra replies reassuringly, her smile returning. "It's just, are you sure you're elemental?"

"What? I'm confused."

"Well, there are Magicals too, my mom is one. You just have really strong powers for an Elemental." I explain, eyeing the rest of the class.

"Okay..." AK agrees, though obviously mystified. Thankfully, the random stuff then lands in a pile. "Then let's continue with the lesson..." Then AK suddenly shrieks and runs out of the room.

"Not again," I mumble, searching the room. "Kathy, you're in charge." I say, before chasing after my new student, and fellow classmate.

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