It can't be true? Can it?

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It was 1975

Teens of the seventies having the time of their lives.

Although this wasn't true for Frank and Gerard.

It all happened so fast...

The accident, the ejection from the motorcycle, the crushing of bones, the slicing of flesh.

No one knew what happened until it was over. Nothing good came from the crash. But fortunately Gerard was lying next to Frank.

The  inevitable was bound to happen.

One or both of them died.

Frank and Gerard lie on the pavement; bloody broken, and dying. Gerard spoke in a strained voice, "I... I remember when— when we first met..."

"No don't start that," Frank interjected with a edge of defiance to his voice. "We are not dying." Frank tried to sit up but fails. He settles for just simply looking in the direction of Gerard. He repeats, "We are NOT going to die today, not tomorrow, not for another sixty years. You hear me."

"I hear you Frank, but you and I both know that's not true." Gerard looks back at Frank with a 'you know I'm right' look.

"I-I-I- don't-" Frank's voice cracks with the weight of emotion evident in his voice. He takes a deep breath and continues, "I don't want to lose you, Gee." Sirens can be heard faintly in the distance, but they will arrive six seconds to late to save these two lovers.

"You won't lose me, Frank. I'm right here." Gerard moves over as painful as it was, it was worth it. "I will always be here with you, Frankie. I love you!"

Gerard gave Frank a kiss. The type of kiss both of them knew it was their last. Full of emotions, unsaid love, and passion.

"I love you too, Gee." was the last thing Gerard heard Frank say before he closed his eyes, never to open them again.

"Noo," Gerard screamed. "NOOOO!!" He broke down in a heap of sobs.

Hearing the sirens again only louder and closer, Gerard looked up. He saw the ambulance racing down the street.

He could hold on just six more seconds then he'd be able to live. Six seconds. He looked over, seeing Frank.

One question made its was into his mind.

'Do I wanna know what a life without Frank is like?'

And there is only one answer.


An ambulance six seconds away, help just within reach, Gerard let's go. He lets go of everything, of his worries, pain, but most importantly, he lets go of his life. Gerard lets the darkness take him.

But that's not the end of their story.

For twenty-four years, well twenty-four years for Gerard, and twenty for Frank, they had no idea of who each other were. They both were born infants and grew up like normal children. Well as normal as they could manage.

They had no recognition of their past lives.

It wasn't until the year 2002 when a guy named Mikey Way asked Frank if he wanted to join his, his brother, and friend's band.

Frank, of course, agreed; being great at guitar and his love for My Chemical Romance. He was their biggest fan.

Three days after Frank was asked to join, the band had a practice session thing.

He didn't know walking into the small, make-shift recording studio the band rented, would change his life forever.

Frank was early for once. He sat patiently on the floor in the middle of the room, facing the door, waiting for the others to arrive.

The door opened with a look of shock on Frank and Gerard's faces. Neither had met before, in this life time, yet when they saw each other something happened. Something that wasn't normal.

"Ger-," Mikey ran into the back of Gerard, "Why'd you stop in the middle of the door way." Mikey walks around Gerard and into the room. "Oh and Gerard this is-"

"Frank." Gerard interrupts Mikey.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Miley asked. Gerard still standing in the doorway, staring at Frank. Frank staring right back at Gerard dumbfounded. Mikey meanwhile moved about the room setting things up.

Gerard ignored Mikey's question. Instead he says, "It's you." directed towards Frank.

"I know you but not..." Frank trailed off.

"Yeah." Gerard walked over and sat in front of Frank. They both looked crazy, two twenty year olds, who don't know each other, sitting on the floor together; Indian style, knees touching.

Frank does something risky. He sticks out his hand like he was touching an invisible glass wall between them.

Frank kept his eyes on his out stretched hand. Making an effort not to look at Gerard, scared of what he'd say or do.

Gerard places his hand against Frank's.

The moment Gerard's hand met Frank's they both remember everything. Their whole past lives. All the memories from before.

Frank looked up at Gerard's face, "Gee!" He exclaimed. "It's can't be true? Can it? It's really you."

Within seconds Frank tackled Gerard in a big hug that had both of them on the floor. Frank on top of Gerard.

"Hey Frankie." Gerard whispers into Frank's hair. Both of them ecstatic to have each other back again after twenty plus some odd years.

"Hey uhh.. Guys I know uhh... that it's great you both are getting along and all but uhh.. don't you think that's a little much. You guys just met."

Frank and Gerard both sit up. Frank in Gerard's lap. They look in Mikey's direction and laugh.

Frank and Gerard laugh at the irony in Mikey's statement.

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