Car Crashed Queens and Collapsed Hearts

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A boy walks through the doors of the college's new modernized library, passing various groups of people. He couldn't help but notice the one girl all the way in the back. She has long black hair with brilliant blue tips and is dressed in all black.She was the calm against the storm around her.

Little did he know that was exactly how her mind was: a thunderstorm with a calm facade.

Quinn sits on one of the big blue fluffy chairs gazing out the floor to ceiling windows beside her. She hasn't stopped thinking about that day since it happened. It motivates her; keeps her going. There was be careful not to flip back and forth between past and present tense nothing Quinn could do about it. She can't change the past. What's done is done.

Her mind wanders back to the day after that hellacious day.

"You don't have a choice," the counselor said gravely.

"I know, but that doesn't make it any less harder," eleven year old Quinn fired back testly. She stared at her counselor from across the desk waiting for an answer. What logical answer does she have in that little pewny doctor brain of hers now?

The minutes ticked by slowly as Dr. Holligale formed an acceptable answer to give Quinn. She sighed first, decided on saying, "Quinn... you can't think like that. It'll only make things worse. Have a positive outlook on the situation."

"Have a positive outlook! On this! Are you serious?" Quinn scoffed. "My parents are dead. My sister was killed. And I'm supposed to have a positive outlook, you've got to be kidding me."

Flashbacks of that night came flooding back; the tires screeching, her mother yelling, the bone-chilling sound of metal scraping against metal. The butterfly feeling of being thrown across the road. Gravity harshly pulling her back down with a sickening thud. A split second later an eerie quiet cascaded over the scene. Her mother's screams no longer heard. Both cars in two heaps of twisted metal. Smoke idly flowing upward.

Then like a movie, the scene cut to her sister, Daisy. She had been running around in the front yard. The tall grass halfway up her calves with small little daisy flowers littered throughout. She was having the time of her life without a care in the world. Quinn sat on the porch steps paying more attention to her comic book than watching her sister. That is until the loud squeal of tires against macadam and the shrilling shriek of breaks, hot against the rotors, ripped through the air. Quinn's head whipped up just in time to see Daisy's horror struck face look back at her as the car collided with her body. Down she fell like a loose sheet falling in a gentle summer's breeze.

A pointed look made its way on her councilor's face pulling Quinn out of the agonizing memories. " That's not what I meant. I-" She sighed again collecting her thoughts. "Don't get down on yourself. I meant take this experience and mature from it. You don't have any choice but to do so. Besides, this isn't your fault. You couldn't have done anything to stop it from happening. Things will get better."

"Hhmp. I don't really beli-"

"Uh... Hey," a voice abruptly pulls Quinn out of her thoughts. She jumps ten feet in the air whipping around to face a young man with icy blue eyes.

"Hello?" she questions. "Do I know you?"

"No you don't." he answers while making a motion as if to ask Quinn permission to sit in the seat across from her. She nods her head yes. "My names Pierce. What's yours?"

"Quinn. Why are you talking to me?"

"Playing 20 question now are we" Pierce says with a small

chuckle, "I saw you from across the library and wanted to talk to ya, just seemed like you have an interesting story, ya know."

Quinn shifts in her seat pulling her feet underneath her. Looking down in her lap she replies, "You don't even know the half of it. It's a long story anyway."

"That's all right, I've got time." 

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