Chapter 14

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The exam season came and went. For Paelen, it all went smoothly. He had studied non-stop for months in order to prove to himself and others that he could be part of this community. He even found the maths papers to be okay, but strugged on questions in the harder sections of the papers.

On the last day, after thir last exam, physics, Paelen, Katy and Charlotte sat on a bench outside, relaxing in the sunlight and relieved that the stress of exams was finally over. Over the past few months, Charlotte had opened up to them, and was a totally different person to the girl he first met. He had grown to like her, she was funny and witty, perhaps not the sharpest tool in the shed but she made a good laugh.

"Prom next Friday!" Katy said excitedly. "I'm guessing loads of people have asked you, Charlotte." She teased.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "No one gets it. I've told them all I'm not interested."

"Consider it a compliment." Paelen told her, leaning back against the bench.

"It's annoying. Has anyone asked you?" Charlotte asked.

"...maybe." Paelen replied.

"What did you say?" Katy asked quickly.

"No, of course." Charlotte said with a smirk. She nudged him in the ribs before getting up and leaving.

Katy raised her eybrows, "Paelen?"

Paelen took a deep breat and swallowed, "Uhh...Katy...will to...uh...prom with me? Please?"

Katy looked stunned for a moment, then a smile creeped up her face. "Yes."


Paelen struggled adjusting his bow tie. It looked ridiculous. He redid it, this time making it look more acceptable. That would have to do. He got a comb from the drawer in the bathroom and brushed his hair, probably for the first time on Earth. Once he was satisfied that he looked respectable, he went out of the bathroom.

Before him stood Katy, wearing a long, green, sleeveless dress that went to her ankles. It was tight around her waist, but flowed almost weightlessly down. She wore silver shoes with a small heel. Looking at her face, he noticed how perfectly colour coordinated her glasses were with her dress. She had a green eyeshadow on her eyelids, making them seem magical. Her normally plain hair her was curled and shiny.

"" Paelen stuttered.

She smiled. "You're looking smart. I never thought I would ever see your hair not like a bird's nest."

Paelen grinned nervously and offered her his arm. "Care to join me?" Katy giggled and put her arm through his. He noticed her mum standing by one of the doors, beaming proudly at them. "Have fun!"


Prom was the most supernatural and extraordinary thing Paelen had every experienced. The ambiance was lively and jolly, and the food was unworldly. Paelen, Katy and Charlotte spent what seemed like hours getting photographs, most of which were blury due to them laughing and choking on the food they were eating at the same time. They danced to the most horrific songs Paelen had ever listened to, but they had so much fun. By the end of the evening, Paelen was gasping for air, his entire body ached and he had eaten so much rich chocolate cake he felt as if his insides would burst.

Paelen and Katy said goodbye to Charlotte at her house. They wished her goodnight and walked through silent streets back to their house. They carried on laughing, high on sugar and chocolate. Paelen felt Katy grab his hand. He smiled to himself and looked at the sky. It was a clear night. The stars were bight and, even in the slightly polluted air of Hastings, twinkled unconditionally. For the rest of the journey, the walked in silence, enjoying each other's company and the warmth between their hands.

When they got to the front door, Paelen stopped Katy. He looked into her eyes that were dimly lit by the moon and streetlights. "I am so happy I met you, Katy. You are the most amazing person I have met in this world and all the other worlds I have been to. Katy...I think...I think I love you."

Without seeing her reaction, Katy pulled Paelen into a kiss. A warm, fuzzy feeling leaked into his body, blocking out the cool air of the night. He pulled Katy closer, holding onto her, kissing her back. He felt Lorin look down on him with smile. This is what she wanted. Her Paelen was happy.

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