Living The Nightmare

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After flying for what seemed like hours to everyone who was still awake, Courtney and Olivia had passed out, understandably drained from the strenuous trek they'd wound up in. Whitney, while staring blankly ahead of herself, nearly gave in to the relaxing ride as well.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not responsible for what happens to you." The pilot stated, getting Whitney back to the real world.

"...Are you not an official? Shouldn't you protect anyone in need?" She questioned.

"My contract tells me "no", just these girls."

"Well, if you had any common sense or morals, you'd very clearly see that I was in the exact same situation they're were in and might be just as emotionally torn, so I could use some protection too!"

The pilot shook his head in disappointment. "How about you go to sleep? You need to kill all that stress."

"I'm not sleeping until I'm 100% assured "these girls" are in good hands. Because, with an asshole like you, the-


Whitney's eyesight was blurry from both not having her glasses on and the lack of energy she had. Though, she still felt like she needed to look for where this pilot comes off with an attitude like that.

"What fucking nerve..." Whitney nearly whispered. "Give me your name!" She demanded.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you..."

Whitney's eyes widened in shock as she gasped.


"Why don't you ever learn to shut your damn mouth!!?"

With a hard yank by the shoulder, Whitney was within centimeters away from the man she resented the most.

With a mouth full of blood, she spat in his face, hoping he'd finally knock her out and she'd either wake up in the hospital, or not wake up at all. Instead, she blood hit his eyes and he immediately let her go.

She snatched her phone off of the floor and ran into the attic. With the door locked behind her, she dialed the three digit number.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"556, E. 103rd Street. He's about to kill me. I locked myself in the attic."

"Okay, miss. We're on our way."

Whitney looked at the only window in the attic and searched frantically around. She came across her abuser's pilot helmet. She threw her glasses aside, wiped off the dust, and put it on.

"UNLOCK THE DOOR!" The furiously pounded on the weak wooden door.

"I locked the door so you wouldn't get it, obviously, so fuck off!"

She used the helmet she wore to headbutt the permanently locked window. The sound of the glass shattering shared a space in the air with the wooden door finally being broken through.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Whitney yelled, climbing into the window.

The remaining pieces of glass in the frame of the window cut and poked Whitney as she comforted a crouched position on the sill.

"If you step a foot past my glasses, I'm taking a leap of fate. Heaven or Hell seems better than walking the same ground as you!"

He looked down at her shattered glasses. "You're doing this to yourself, all you have to do is shut the FUCK up when I tell you to!"

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