A girl?

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I don't really like this chapter. It just didn't go well at all. It's shit, in my opinion.

Ren smiled as she watched her boys all sat together at the kitchen table. She had spent her time after class patrolling. She needed to get out of her head and back into her work.

"Pizza?" She asks them, too tried to cook. Both Sting and Rogue cheer as they look over at her. Hisoka beams and shakes Toshinoris arm. Toshinori smiles softly at his wife, he understood. Katsuki frowned and looked down.

"Suki?" Ren tilts her head before pushing off the wall and moving towards the boy.

"Pizzas fine." He grumbles before standing and shutting his book.

"Hey, don't do that. Come here." She holds out her hand for him. He huffs and sets his book down before moving to her side.

Ren tilts his head so he's looking at her. "What is it?" She asks him softly.

He leans into her hand slightly, loving the motherly affection. "Nothin mom. You just.. you need to take better care of yourself. Stop worrying so much about these losers and worry more about you. You don't have to carry everything on your fucking shoulders. If you're too tired to cook tell me and I will. If you're not feeling well and something needs to be done, tell us and we'll do it. Stop trying to do everything yourself."

Ren smiles sadly and pulls his head down so she can kiss his forehead. "I love you Katsuki. Never change." Tears fill her eyes as he pulls away. She tries to blink them away but they just won't seem to go. Katsuki wipes away a stray tear and smiles at her.

"Love you too ma. Now get rest. I'll order pizza and clean up a bit."

Ren rubs her thumb over his cheek. "You're such an amazing young man." She whispers quietly. "You're going to do great things." Katsuki blushes and grumbles something about stupid hag. Ren laughs happily.

Rens not sure how it happened, she honestly couldn't tell you, but somehow all her boys ended up in bed with her while she was taking a small nap. She smiles and runs her fingers through stings hair as he cuddles further into her left side. Rogue, behind him, grumbles and latches onto his other half. On Rens right, Hisoka lies atop Katsukis chest. Katsuki, fast asleep like the rest of the boys, has his head atop her arm and his own are curled tightly around her. He looks so comfortable and sweet.

"I think we need a bigger bed." Toshinori calls from the doorway. His voice is soft, as to not wake the boys.

"When did they get here?" She asks just as softly.

"You we're whimpering in your sleep." He frowns and moves towards the bed. "The boys didn't like it so they got in bed with you and tried to comfort you."

"Oh.." Ren looks down at her sons and smiles softly.

"When did you start having nightmares again?" He wonders as he sits at the foot of the bed.

Ren runs her fingers through stings hair again. "After the USJ attack.. they're always the same.. I loose my boys and I just.." She sniffles, "I couldn't live through that Toshi.. I don't think I could live through loosing another child. It hurts so bad and.." tears stream down her face and she has to take a deep breath to keep from crying out.

"Not going anywhere hag." Katsuki grumbles and pulls her tighter against him. Rens lip quivers and she hides her face in his hair.

"I love you.. I love you so much Katsu.." Ren whimpers into his hair.

Toshinori wipes his own eyes and sets his hand on her leg. "I won't let anyone take our boys from us." He promises softly.

Ren sits in her classroom quietly. She wasn't sure what it was but she didn't feel right. It was stupid, she knew that. But she couldn't fight the feeling that something was wrong with her. She huffed and grabbed her phone off the desk. She opened her contacts and her finger hovered over her doctors contact. She shook her head and locker her phone again. She was fine, everything was fine.

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