My Quirk And Info

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Hero Name: Nightmare

Like's: Cats, Chocolate, Music, Art, Watching/Reading Horror, Ship's, Taking Naps (Kind of hard because of my quirk), wearing hoodies, Eating Ice Cream (coffee kind), Starbucks, Telling joke's/Puns, Sleeps with her childhood blanket and with stuff animals.

Dislike's: Annoying people, Bullies, Socializing/Talking (Have anxiety), Having people stare at me or judging me, Feeling pathetic, being yelled at, Hate's REALLY spicy food, Hates it when someone make fun of her because of her height (short).

Quirk: Fear

Can make the person she looks at see there worst fears and can actually turn to there fear if she please.

Effects: When she uses her quirk too much she can either turn into her worst fear or she can have nightmares which effects her in her sleep (Can't sleep) that's why she always tired but it depends of the amount of power she is using.

Mimi Fear: Becoming a monster/ Having the darkness, depression, anxiety consume her

I hope you like my quirk!

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