When Her Mother Got Married.

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Her mom who was born and lived in Afghanistan, with her parents, they were 6 siblings, 5 sisters and 1 brother who was youngest among all. Her father was so strict, he thinks "daughters are burden to parents until they get married".  It was in 1990s that taliban attacked in Afghanistan that every day many people was dying and was a very bad situation, it was very hard to go out and was not save to live in Afghanistan anymore. Her parents were so confused that "what will happen to their children's future"? how they will manage these situation?

In year 2003, that the taliban were still attacking in Afghanistan, as her father considered that "daughters are burden to parents until they get married" so now he decided to give his daughter to someone as soon as possible, his wife  tried to explain him that" it's not the solution of our problem, we can not put our daughters life in danger like this ,after all they are so young to marry with some one" but he didn't understand.  He shouted at his wife and said that "they are my daughters and I know what is best for them". then he walked away. He went to his relatives house to ask their son  (who was around 30 years old and just moved to live in Saudi Arabia ) the relatives accepted the proposal.

In the next day her father told his daughter and his wife that "he choose someone to ,marry his 15 years old daughter" and he also mentioned this to his daughter that they are going shift to Saudi Arabia and he also said that "I don't want any questions on my decision because I know what is best for you" her daughter cried, and she didn't wanted to marry with someone who really don't know but the most importantly she wanted to complete her studies and become someone she always dreamt about . (actually that's just a dream for her now): Because she was scared of her father and she knew that she can't reject this proposal because of her father,
and her mother really tried many times to convince her husband to not to force our daughter to marry with a 30 years old man.
(But she failed ).

In the next day , their daughter decided to accept the proposal because there was no any other option for her , she knows how dangerous was that to live in Afghanistan. Then she went to talk to her parents and said that "I accepted this proposal only because I respect you both and It's my right to do what my parents want me to do"Now her parents are happy (especially her father)
Now her father went to decide when and where should we arrange the wedding at? 
but deeply inside their daughter was sad:(

now after some days everything was arranged and it was the day of wedding that so many guests were coming ,most of them wearing traditional afghani dresses( both men , women and children's ) some were putting hennah on their hands and some were taking pictures and some were dancing (called attan in afghanistan)afghani songs And the bride who was wearing a green wedding dress, wasn't happy inside but outside, beside of bride who was the groom wearing black suit white shirt and black tie and also not handsome and older than bride, and then it was the time for the food, the food was all about Afghani dishes like : kabuli pulaw, kabab's , rice etc and different types of drinks: coca cola ,mountain dew etc . everyone finished eating , during night time bride and groom change their clothes, bride wears white dress and groom wear suits. Pictures are taken and drinks are provided. Later, shortly before the bride cuts the cake, the groom's sister takes the knife and performs the sword dance with it. During this dance, the sister dances with the knife and asks her brother for money for the bride. Once her brother gives the money, she gives the knife to her brother. Then the groom and the bride cut the cake and eat with each other.

Its now time for bride to leave her mother and father's house. For this event, the brother of the bride ties a green cloth around the departing bride's waist. While leaving her home The bride hugged all her family and cried a lot and tell all of them that she is gonna miss everyone:(  It was a very emotional moment that everyone was crying , but then the ride leaves her parent's home and were  driven away to her husbands house(which is now her house too) so they reached to their house and as it was too late and it was the time was sleep . They all went to their rooms and slept. But the bride was already missing her family it was very hard for her to sleep with the new people , new house. She finally slept.

Then it was the time to move to Saudi Arabia  and live there forever with his wife.

Her husband who was poor , and was selling mobile phones and covers etc on streets everyday , who never had his own shop to sell these stuff at.

when ever he goes to his work he locked his wife in her bedroom and
never allowed her to go outside, his wife screams and beg her husband to not to lock me please... but he never listens to his wife , beat her and go to outside. He always tell his family that he is going to work but actually most of the time he goes outside to hangout with his friends.

when ever he earn some money , he always gave his 90% of his earnings to his sisters and parents and 10% to mom but mostly he doesn't give that 10% too.

After some months his wife is pregnant and the husband isn't accepting the baby as his child.

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