when Dunia was born.

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It's 2003 and A girl named Dunia was born in the holy place of Makkah, which is located in Saudi Arabia.

It's 2003 and A girl named Dunia was born in the holy place of Makkah, which is located in Saudi Arabia

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She was so little and so week when she was born. Her father didn't accept her as his daughter he blamed on his wife's character that this girl isn't his daughter. It was when he never touched his own daughter because he never wanted to have a daughter he always wished for a son. He thinks that girls are a huge shame to have , they are week, useless and most importantly they are burden. So he punished his wife for giving birth a girl.

His wife took care of her daughter all alone, even though the father didn't care for his wife and daughter, he then stopped giving us money. He never liked us . His wife was suffering from traumatic experiences, she was deeply alone , she wasn't much allowed to talk to her family, she was already prisoned in her own husband's house.

One day Dunia's Mother's sister called her sister from pakistan. They were extremely worried and they wanted to tell to her sister to come to Pakistan because their mother is extremely sick. She isn't well at all.  Then Dunia's mother almost got an heart attack after hearing that her mother isn't well. She decided to run aways from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan.  But she was scared that what if her husband will punish her again. But she then decided to talk to her husband about her mother's health condition, her husband straightly rejected on her face that she isn't allow to travel alone(because he knew that once she left the house she wouldn't come back again). That's why he was also scared. But his wife didn't agree with him , then her husband warned her that if she will go then she can't come here again. So his wife still didn't think twice and tried to pack her stuffs and go. But then she realized that she doesn't have enough money to but tickets to go to Pakistan.
Then her husband came and took all of her stuffs and said that these aren't yours, these jewelries and clothes are mine, you are not allowed to bring these with yourself. Then she cried and hold her daughter and ran out from house. She was sad, deeply emotional, heartbroken, alone , but she never gave up.

When she reached to airport, a guy came and asked if she needs help, she said that she doesn't have money to buy tickets to Pakistan and her mother is sick there , it's emergency.
Then the guy hold her daughter and bought two tickets of Emirates airplanes for them, although the daughter was just 6-7months old , but still she needed a ticket.

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