[002] we got problems

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After moving over to the drop ship with Clarke, and Finn disappearing, Clarke has begun to analyse how the hell we're going to make it to Mount Weather. And where the hell we are. At first I wanted to join in on the fun with everyone else, but I guess there's no point having any fun until we reach our actual destination point. Though looking out at everyone else exploring and enjoying themselves, brings me a lot of envy. 

"We got problems." I look behind myself and spot Wells.

I look back down at the map and notice Clarke simply ignores him. Something must have happened between them after I was locked up. Now obviously isn't the time to ask, but I ponder to myself possible answers. The first that comes to mind is Wells finally admitted he had a crush on the girl and she turned him down. Or she in fact didn't and they were in a relationship that ended bitterly. Love is weird like that. Not that I'd know from first hand experience, but I do have parents.

"The communication system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires." He enlightens us. So now we have no way of contacting the Ark. Great, I think to myself, can this day get any better?

"Well all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather." Clarke tells him, as she draws lines using the peaks she's been observing for a while. She then points where they intersect.

"This is us." She looks up at both Wells and I. "This is where we wanna be if we want to survive." She adds in, talking about Mount Weather.

"Where'd you learn that?" Wells asks the blonde. Clarke looks over, heavily.

"Your father." He realises. Kane informed me that Clarke's dad had been floated for treason, and attempting to inform the rest of the Ark about the Oxygen levels. I knew how close they were and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"Cool, a map."

We turn around a notice a pale skinny boy, with thick black hair, with goggles placed over it. He also wears a large smile and I can already tell he's a fun person.

"They got a bar in this town? I'll buy yah a beer." The boy jokes. But before I can even laugh at his comment, Wells grabs him by the arms and pulls him back. 

"Do you mind?" He says, aggressively. God, that guy has always had the worst sense of humour.

"Wells-" I begin about to tell him to stop being so serious.

"Woah, hey hey hey. Hands off him, he's with us." I turn around and see Murphy and his posse of delinquents. Murphy was someone I used to hang around with before I was arrested, along with a couple of the people I noticed behind him. We all were the same - impulsive, stubborn teenagers who hated our lives more than anything. I didn't know he'd been arrested but it honestly didn't shock me, I expected it.

"Hey Ariel, it's been a while." He looks me up and down. "You still look good." He smirks and his friends behind him chuckle. Another thing he'd always been - flirtatious. Especially with me, because I'd always reciprocate it. The familiarity somewhat comforts me, it's like old times, like what my life was like before everything actually did fall apart. 

"Hey Murph. Can't say the same about you." I joke, a smirk slowly growing on my face, and he playfully rolls his eyes. 

"I forgot, you're friends with this asshole." Wells glares at him. He hated every single friend I had, bar Clarke. Which I don't blame him for. They were all assholes.

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