[004] surrounded by idiots

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We race over in the direction in which we all heard the blood curdling scream. And to no ones surprise, when we reach it we find Murphy holding a girl above a rising flame as she attempts to get away. Besides the blazing fire is a large pile of wristbands that the group had taken off others. I already knew Murphy was crazy, but never as insane as he looks now.

"Bellamy! Check it out, we want the Ark to think the ground is killing us right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little." Murphy calls out and I watch as Wells run over, pushing him off the girl and toward the ground. I immediately follow after him, only instead of going to Murphy, I make my way to the girl, helping her to her feet. 

"You okay?" I ask her gently and she nods. 

"Thank you." She says and I nod before the girl walks away from the situation as fast as she possibly can.

"You can stop this." Wells pleads to Bellamy, as I rise to my feet, watching the two.

"Stop this? I'm just getting started." Bellamy replies with a smirk and I step forwards, opening my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, until behind me, I hear Murphy collide his fist to Well's face. I turn around immediately, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, as Murphy then punches Wells in the stomach. 

"Wells! Murphy stop!" I call out, about to run to potentially try and stop them only Bellamy grabs my wrist. 

"Stay out of this one, firecracker." He tells me as I turn to face him, whilst Wells and Murphy brawl behind us.

I immediately pull my wrist from his grip. "Don't you dare pretend that you care about me after you threatened me 5 minutes ago." I glare at him.

"Threatened you? You're the one who said you wanted to kill me, Matthews, not the other way round." He reminds me. And in truth he is right. But showing me the gun was just as much as a threat, even if it wasn't vocalised. But that's not what matters right now. And unfortunately for Wells and I, he's the only person who can potentially help Wells out of this.

"Look, Wells is right- you can stop this, you can stop him. Please." I plead with him, as he stares down into my piercing green eyes. I can't but hope he'll feel even a slight sense of guilt, or even come to his senses for one moment, before someone gets seriously injured, most likely Wells considering the fact he's already injured. Only he doesn't respond. The crowd cheers then begin to get louder, and Bellamy is now looking straight ahead behind me. I turn around, surprised to see Wells on top of Murphy, before he rises to his feet.

I can't help but smile a little, satisfied that Wells beat Murphy to the ground, especially after all the hate he's been giving him. "Don't you see you can control this?" Wells breathes out, aiming his rhetorical question at Bellamy, who we both already know knows the answer to it. Yet he enjoyed to watch the two fight, and didn't even try to stop it, even with my pleading. 

And then seconds after, Murphy rises to his feet holding a knife in his hands. "You're dead." He says, announcing he's gotten up to Wells. 

"Wait." Bellamy calls from behind me, walking past and stepping in between the two. I let out a sigh of relief, thankful he's come to his sense, though I am a little surprised.

He then pulls out his own knife from his pocket, turning to Wells. "Fair fight." He tells him before dropping the knife for Wells to pick up when ready.

"What? Are you insane?!" I exclaim, in utter disbelief, as Bellamy moves from in-between them. "Wells, don't pick up that knife." I order him, hoping he'll listen to me. But with the crowd around us, beckoning him to pick it up, it all gets to his head, and moments later Wells is clutching the weapon in his hand. I shake my head, moving back, shocked that Wells actually picked it up. 

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