[003] rain

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"Ok, so how did you even actually get arrested? Aren't you supposed to be the Ark's goodie two shoes?" I snigger, and Wells rolls his eyes from besides me. It's dark out now and we have been sat chatting for a while, as a way to forget about the hunger lingering in our stomach's. It's been somewhat working.

"I, uh, I burnt down the last tree." He pulls a face as my jaw drops.

"Why on earth would you do that?" 

He sighs looking down. "I couldn't let her go alone. Not after everything." 

He really still does love her.

 He then looks at me. "Or you."

I roll my eyes at him trying to be nice and adding me to the equation. 

I nudge him. "Bet you're regretting doing that now, huh?"

"Not at all, idiot." He chuckles.

"Oh really?" I laugh back. "Surrounded by real Einsteins here and a Bellamy, who thinks he's in charge now. We will be dead by the end of the week."

"Hey, let's not think like that. Clarke will be back soon with the fo-"

I put a finger up to his mouth and tilt my head. "What did I say?"

He rolls his eyes. "No mentioning the f word."

I nod in agreement. "Exactly." 

I then turn my head notice a bright light growing in the distance and decide to investigate. It's dark out now, and I suspect it's a fire. I'm surprised those idiots actually had the intellect to start a fire to keep us warm.

"Wow they, potentially did something...smart?" I question.

"Let's not assume that before we go and see." Wells adds.

I help Wells, as he limps besides me toward the full light of what appears to be a bonfire which everyone is surrounding. The scene playing out before us is almost tribal, fire and laughter temporarily pushing hunger and thirst out of everyone's minds. It draws us in too, and just as we are about to give into the primal forces we realise what's taking place at the centre.

I watch as Bellamy supervises as Murphy and some other boy, wristbands already gone, help a rough-looking girl take off hers. What the hell are they doing? It appears to look pretty painful as a rod is jammed into the cuff, then violently pried up, cracking the band that is then ripped off. They then toss it into the fire, besides multiple others. "Who's next?" Bellamy calls out with a smirk on his face, immediately making my blood boil.

"What the hell are you doing?" I call, moving in front of me. Bellamy turns to face us, the same smirk glued to his face.

"Liberating ourselves, what's it look like?"

"It looks like you're being an idiot to me, getting us all killed." I say, moving in front of Wells, closer to Bellamy. Wells was definitely right. He is a dick. I just didn't think it was humanly possible for someone to be this much of a dick. "The communication system is fried. You do realise that these wristbands are all we've got to make the Ark believe we're alive. That we're not dead so they can follow us!"

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