I Love You

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(Art goes to Just Vrit on Tumblr.)

Starting out with some fluff! Personally I liked writing this short piece, and hope you enjoy reading it. 

Rundown: Dabi loves his boyfriend, and Shigaraki's tired.

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"Tomura?" a quiet voice spoke in the dark bedroom. "...Love you, babe."

When all he got was a quiet mutter, Dabi started speaking again.

"Hey, Tomura. You asleep?" he asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Shigaraki grunted and sighed. "Not anymore, thanks for asking."

"Sorry." Dabi chuckled.

"Are you trying to annoy me, or is there a reason for waking me up just to say 'I love you' at 2:00 fucking AM?" Shigaraki asked.

"Nope." Dabi smiled smugly, knowing for a fact that would both irritate and fluster the skinny man.

Shigaraki blushed and grumbled to himself quietly. Then Dabi took his hand off his shoulder and asked, "Hey, can you look at me for a second?"

Shigaraki sighed and slowly rolled over to face the taller man lying beside him in bed. He looked into the bright eyes staring back at him, almost seeming to glow in the dark.

Dabi stared a few seconds longer, before moving his hand up to the side of Shigaraki's face, running his fingers through the mop of blue hair fondly, brushing a few strands out of his eyes with his thumb. Shigaraki's face was still tinted red slightly from his previous comment, only growing worse by the physical contact he was receiving, and he tried his best to glare at raven haired man to no avail. Dabi knew he was just trying to cover up his soft side. Dabi smiled.

"Hey Tomura?"


"I love you."

Shigaraki flushed red, and he quickly moved his hands to cover his face. "Damn it Dabi, what the hell!" he yelled embarrassedly.

Dabi laughed and kissed the fingers covering the other's forehead. "Don't you love me too?"

"Fuck you." Shigaraki pulled his hands away from his face and glared at his dumbass boyfriend.

"C'mon Tomura, you have to say it back~ I won't let you sleep until you do." he cooed.

"I... Fucking love you too or whatever. Dumbass."

Amused by the other's attempt to be both affectionate and unaffectionate at the same time, he smiled. "Good enough." Dabi wrapped an arm around Shigaraki and closed his eyes, wanting nothing more than to just fall asleep at his boyfriend's side.

A few minutes passed, Shigaraki was still awake. He cursed Dabi for waking him up, as now he couldn't go back to sleep and couldn't help staring at the taller man. He studied his features and reminisced all their soft little moments together. Moments like this.

He sighed, and nuzzled his head into Dabi's upper chest. Quiet and almost inaudible, he whispered, "I love you too, Dabi. I love you so fucking much."

Oh but little did he know, Dabi was still wide awake, and heard every bit of that.

His face turned a bright red, and his chest filled with a happy, incredible, lovestruck feeling. He debated what to do next. One part of him wanted to pull Shigaraki closer to let him know he heard him and embarrass the crap out of the man, but the other part wanted to just let him have this. To let them both just lie together in bed as the world melted away, and live in the moment feeling like two lovesick idiots.

Let's just say the latter won his internal debate.

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