Approval Not Needed

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I'm pretty fond of the Dabi is a Todoroki theory, sue me! So... For this chapter, alternate universe where everyone still has quirks, except Dabi and Tomura never became villains. Via, Dabi is just a nickname Touya sometimes uses for fun. Also Endeavor is not a very good father.

Rundown: "But daddy I love him!"

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Touya glared at the ground and gritted his teeth, trying his best to ignore his father.

"Touya, I want you to look at me, and explain to me what you were thinking."

"The hell does that mean?!" Touya looked up at his father, angry blue eyes meeting the very same expression in his father's eyes.

"It means exactly what it sounds like. I want you to explain to me what you were thinking, to lower your standards to someone so sickeningly crude and frankly repulsive."

Touya's mouth dropped for a second, before it quickly turned into a sneer. "Repulsive?! Just because Tomura isn't rich in the slightest or some stuck up, grade A asshole like you, doesn't give you any sort of right to treat him like some rat!"

"Watch your mouth. Listen, I let it go when you told me you were dating another guy,"

"You ignored me for the rest of the day! Can't say it was the worst punishment though." he growled.

Enji just continued, "But this is ridiculous. Do you even care of what he could do to your reputation?! Our reputation?!"

"I don't care about the Todoroki family's stupid reputation! I never asked to be apart of this fucked up family anyway!" Touya snarled.

"Touya, that boy out there can hardly take care of himself! Look at him!" Enji moved aside and gestured to the window, where the two could see Tomura sitting anxiously on the couch trying to converse with Touya's siblings. "He's got scars on every inch of his body, he looks like he's been starving most of his life, his hair's a mess, Touya, he is a mess!"

"I don't care!" Touya yelled. "I don't care, what you think he looks like! I know he doesn't look like much, but if you could just pull your head out of your ass, and try to get to know him, maybe you'd see why I'm dating him!"

"How do you expect him to provide for you, Touya?!" Enji boomed, "How do you know he isn't just using you for money?! Honestly he looks like something you picked up off the streets!"

"Well at least I know he won't lock me up in a mental hospital." venom dripped from his voice, never looking away from his father's eyes.

Enji was quiet for a minute, then he glared at Touya with a fierce rage glowing in his eyes. "Now you listen to me—"

Not waiting for him to finish, Touya turned around and left the room.

"Touya! Come back here!"

"I don't need your approval, asshat!"

"How'd it go?" Fuyumi stood up from the couch, her tone a mixture of hope and weary.

Touya's mouth opened to speak, but stopped when his eyes met Tomura's. "It.. It went as expected."

Shoto, Natsuo, and Fuyumi all shared a slightly disappointed look, before looking back at Touya. Tomura felt the familiar urge to scratch his neck, sensing the tension in the room. Instead, he fought the urge and stood up and walked closer to Touya.

"What does that mean?" Tomura asked cautiously.

Touya glared at the ground, trying to find the words to say.

"It means you can stay."

Every head in the room turned towards the voice. On the other side of the room, Enji stood seriously, brows furrowed slightly.

The Todoroki sibling's eyes went wide in surprise, even Shoto couldn't help but be shocked. Did their father just...?

No one knew what to say, so it remained silent, Tomura getting increasingly anxious. Fuyumi was the first to break the silence, a sound of happiness escaping her. "That's great!" she exclaimed, walking closer to Tomura and hugging him gently, an overjoyed smile across her face.

Tomura tensed up, looking at Touya unsurely, but slowly accepted the hug as waves of relief crashed down on him.

Touya stared at his father confusedly, shocked to say the least.

Enji still did not looked pleased, but he also didn't look like he was going to beat the crap out of anyone, which was relieving in an odd way.

"Welcome to the family, Shigaraki!" Natsuo finally spoke, smiling at Tomura.

"Yeah." Shoto agreed quietly.

Touya walked over to his father, suspicion clear in his expression. "What are you doing?"

"I don't accept him as part of the family, I don't approve of him, I don't even like him. But I know you won't listen to me. It's easier for everyone if I just let you date him, until you realize your mistake."

Touya thought about arguing. He thought about yelling at him right there. Burning him maybe. But somewhere in the back of his mind, when he looked at his father, he knew this was Enji's way of accepting (not to be confused with approving) Touya and Tomura's relationship. And for that, Touya silently and discreetly thanked him.

Touya turned back around and saw Tomura grinning at him. Touya quickly made his way to his boyfriend and hugged him tightly, smiling widely.

"Jesus, I've never been so stressed out." Tomura sighed, despite the smile on his face, "I blame you for that."

"Sorry." Touya laughed.

Suddenly Natsuo joined in on the hug, practically throwing himself at the two. "Hell yeah, group hug time."

Fuyumi giggled and grabbed Shoto by the wrist, pulling him into the hug.

Shoto and Tomura briefly shared a look of unsureness with all the affection around them, but both gave in and smiled.

Touya, struggling to free his arms from his siblings, gently held Tomura's face, pulled him closer and kissed him tenderly, despite the desperate, "For the love of god, please not here" look in Tomura's eyes when he felt realized what Touya was doing.

"Dang it Touya, you made it gross." Natsou exclaimed, "I'd rather not be less than a foot away from you while you make out with your boyfriend."

"Natsuo!" Touya yelled, while Tomura flushed red in embarrassment.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be interesting. For everyone. Even if Enji was convinced it wouldn't work out. He might just be surprised though. 

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