∞ | Chapter 3 | ∞

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∞ | To seek greatness is the only righteous vengeance. - Criss Jami (Killosophy) | ∞ 

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∞ | Chapter 3 | ∞

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The rain is coming down harder even as Sera, Kailey and Neil walked down the streets of Aurora, all of them careful to keep their hoods up.

Inwardly, Sera was glad for the rain, as it meant that no one will be around to witness what they're about to do. The animosity and contempt for the Gifted community has been getting out of hand and rising steadily for the past several years—especially after the end of the last war when majority of the country's Gifted that were of age were forcefully drafted into the army.

It is one of many reasons why there are so many orphans living in the streets, and even why majority of the Gifted have turned to crime or even joining street gangs just to survive.

The uncaring attitude and stand that the ESA and the High Council have taken towards the Gifted didn't help any matters; and hence, the hunters that have once hunted down the Gifted are once more on the prowl.

Sera had suspected initially that Blade's destruction might either be machinated by one of those hunters or even by the ESA themselves.

Sera stopped in the middle of Fifth Street, looking around her to ensure that there isn't anyone around. The only lights visible are just the various street lamps all around.

Finally, Sera turned towards Neil who had been waiting quietly; merely watching her. "Do it."

Neil nodded before putting up his right hand which glowed blue. Then, the roads of the street that they're standing in glowed with the same colour. A flash of blue rushed throughout the roads and streets of Fifth Street, making it look out of this world. Images of cars and people flickered even as the seconds ticked past—almost like a movie on fast rewind.

Kailey watched with wide eyes. This isn't the first time that she'd seen her twin use his Gift of course; she just don't see Neil using it much, if at all. And she had never seen him using this aspect of his barrier abilities. Doing so might cause a death sentence for them in some cases. After all, look what had happened to their parents when someone found out from somewhere that they are Gifted?

A barrier dome went up around the areas glowing blue. Kailey reached out with her fingers gingerly to touch a Jack Terrier dog that is sniffing about without a care near her feet. Much to her surprise, her touch went right through the dog like he's a mirage of some sort.

"They don't really exist here, Kailey." The baritone voice of her twin brother caught Kailey's attention. "What I'm doing here is just watching the past—in this case, the events of the last twenty-four hours." Neil furrowed his brows. "All right. Think I got it."

The images around them flickered before coming to a stop. And when Sera looked upwards at the skies, it had stopped raining. It even seems to be late afternoon—near dusk; by how the sun looks.

Then, she saw them.

A brunette boy with short untidy hair held back by a dark green bandanna around his forehead peeked out from around a corner anxiously, looking left and right. He probably looks just a little older than the three of them, and had pale green eyes.

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