2: "Enjoys Taylor Swift"

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Gavin flipped out not liking this feeling and felt so uncomfortable he tried to launch himself away but that failed after he pushed too hard and knocked himself over, leaving his legs in the air and the back of his chair on the floor.

He looked up to see who caused him to fall over to be greeted by the same model he'd ran into the second he stepped in.


Gavin inhaled and closed his eyes

"What. Do. You. Want?" Gavin said keeping his eyes shut and staying on the floor too lazy to stand up by now.

"Fowler told me we need to get you to your case this instant or you'll be suspended for approximately 7 days, the total amount of days you haven't been doing work." RK900 simply said as they looked at Gavin and began to scan them

"Your blood pressure is high Detective, is something wrong?" He asked politely and tilted his head.

"Everything is sunshine, rainbows and lollipops" Gavin said sarcastically and finally opened their eyes, his brown eyes with a streak of gold in each one adjusted to the sudden light that made his pupils go small from the light.

Skipping to the scene because fucking hell I'm lazy

Gavin drove up to a house surrounded by police officers and teams of forensic scientist and some androids surrounding the scene so nobody without authorization could get in. Gavin hadn't even realized his CD of Taylor Swift was going off but RK900 in the passenger seat did.

RK900 updated Gavin's personal profile for the android.


Age: 36        Sex: M

Birth: October 7, 2002

Weight:176 lbs (79.8 kg)

Height: 5.9 ft (1.75 m)

Favorite Animal: Cat.

Likes Coffee Black.

Enjoys Taylor Swift Songs.

Spends time watching Cartoons.


Gavin pulled his keys out then looked at RK900 and ordered him to "get the fuck out of my car" as he opened up his car door and walked out slamming the door behind him which made the car move for a second. Gavin walked past the "CAUTION: POLICE SCENE" virtual tape and just looked at what he was dealing with.

"So what? Some person here liked to party and they got a bit more crazy than they should have?" Gavin asked as he was searching through a transparent tablet.

"No Gavin, they were on red ice but there's a knife cut straight across the throat, it couldn't be a suicide because look how clean the cut is, if it was suicide it would be a bit messy, that and- well go look at the evidence yourself, you'll find out what the fuck happened" one of the police officers said as they began to trail off with horrible jokes to other officers.

Gavin grumbled not seeing how that was much help, he snapped his fingers which got his androids attention, Gavin had his back from the android and pointed at the ground to a spot next to him, he hated androids but he hated being alone. The RK900 stepped over to Gavin and put his hands behind his back then tilted his head like a confused puppy to why Gavin wanted him over there. Gavin of course didn't pay attention or give any sort of answer to RK900 and walked inside the house with the android following right behind him.

Once Gavin walked in he spotted a man on the floor with cuts all over him, the one that stuck out the most was the cut across the neck, Gavin was unphased by the gore sight infront of him and so was his android. Gavin walked up to a body and began to inspect the body wounds.

One obviously across the neck, three on his right arm, two on his left arm, 7 in his chest and some scattered

across the body, in total, all the stab wounds together were at least 16 stabs scattered across the body.

He saw a card that said "7" on it to see a bloody knife next to the card, he figured this was the murder weapon because of the blood and took mental notes about what was happening. Gaving squat down beside the body and poked the dudes stomach and laughed at it,

"Look at this fat fuck! He probably deserved it! I bet he couldn't go up a pair of stairs if he really wanted to!"

Gavin laughed the stood up and crossed his hands.

The officers around Gavin looked at him like he was a child who found a dead rat.

After a few hours of Gavin searching the house and getting information then telling his android to go to a gas station to get him a coffee or some kind of drink that'll stop him from getting him mad at whatever he was doing even if he was just poking some dead person.

The android accepted his new mission and took off to the nearest gas station even though it was against his protocols to leave his detective but he knew damn well Gavin wouldn't stop bugging hin for a coffee until they went back to the Department which would probably be in a few hours.

Gavin threw his hands up and began to stretch after feeling all his bones cramping up and he needed to relieve them by a quick little stretch.

He yawned for a moment before hearing something which caused him to get twitchy and slightly nervous but didn't admit it. He looked at a closed closet where the sound came from and he began to take a few steps to the closet. Each step made Gavin more nervous than the other and the tension building up between what would happen and what could possibly happen. Gavin's hand wrapped around the cold door handle and slowly he reached onto his gun that was in a holster before resting his free hand on the handle of his gun, suddenly he threw open the closet to be surprised by nothing but mops and brooms that fell out. Gavin grumbled for a moment and rolled his eyes seeing that was a waste of his time after being so cautious and tense about some stupid brooms and mops.

Gavin threw up his hands for a moment to stretch out his arms before his hand hit something behind him by accident, he turned to be greeted by RK900s earlier model. RK800.

Gavin, out of a fit of instinct, shoved the android away aggressively and grumbled under his breath

"What the fuck do you want tin can?" Gavin snapped as he crossed his arms

"Greetings Detective Reed, I was assigned to investigate this case seeing it took you so long, I'm along side with Lieutenant Anderson so he should arrive soon." Connor said happily and not as aggressive as Gavin sounded.

"How about you and the old man stay the fuck out of my way, this is my case not yours you plastic asshole!" Gavin growled and shoved the android away with one hand almost making him fall over but not completely, just, imbalanced.

"I understand your choice Detective, me and Lieutenant will stay out of your way." Connor said calmly and turned around then walked off to investigate the rest of the house while waiting for Hank to arrive.

"I understand your choice Detective... Lieutenant will stay out of your way" Gavin mocked Connor and even did a hand gesture to make it look like where his hand was talking. He rolled his eyes and went back to his case to find the killer. He heard something for a moment and looked up, he stared at the roof of the room and began to think he heard footprint or light tapping. The man grew curious of the sounds and began to look for an entrence to the attic.

He searched and searched until suddenly there was a small ball attached to a piece of white string, he grabbed onto and quickly pulled it down to see a small ladder fall right out which made Gavin jump back for a moment.

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