The Evil Pie (Part 5)

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Every characters mentioned in this chapter does not belong to me, it belongs to supercell but the story line does, Like sometimes I might talk about issues in the game like teaming. BTW I might use some of the lines that are used in the game but If you want to know which ones I made or the info I used from brawl stars then play the game because the game is amazing.

Welcome to another chapter, I have red Alot of the answers you gave for the fourth question and who is ???? ???? ?????? from the preview that came out on June 18 but without anymore delay let's continue with this chapter.-Streetfighter14

Tara:I don't know what is something in common between the three questions and Who cares!
Poco:Let's just answer it so we don't have to be stuck in this world
Colt: Poco, Did you bring my mirror before you came to this world?
Poco:Why would I do that in the first place cause I need you to help and not be staring at your face the entire time
Colt:But I look amazing
Poco:See you are wasting time by talking about your face when we could be answering the question and getting out of here without getting hit by a bat and put in another cell
Tara:Maybe the answer is....
Colt:The answer is four things
Poco:The keypad is asking for eleven letters not ten
Tara:I think the answer is 2019 brawlers
Poco types it in
Keyboard:Correct you may pass the gate but watch out for....
Bake Sale Barley:Me Muhahaha
Colt:Why you?
Bake Sale Barley: I think the intruders deserve some pie
Colt: I love pie as much as I love myself and I will love a slice
Poco: Don't eat the pie Colt! It could be poisonous
Colt:That pie tasted amazing but what is happening?
Tara:That was such a dumb move,Colt
Tara:The pie was not poisonous it turned him evil
Poco:This is why you don't take food from strangers, Idiot Colt
Bake Sale Barley:Here are your guns back Colt
Colt:Time to eliminate the intruders
Poco:Colt, please stop we are not your enemy's and we are your friends
Leon: Did I forget to mention there is a evil baker on the other side of the gate. Good luck
Poco:How did she become evil in the first place? And why do you keep forgetting to tell us things?
Bibi:Why are you making so much noise? And How did the intruders know about the gate
Crow:I think Leon told them, Maybe he would like a slice of pie Muhahaha ha
Leon:I don't want any pie
Bibi: Calling all helpers
Leon:I need to make my escape
Bibi opens leon's cage
Road Rage Carl and crow try and grab him
Leon goes invisible
Leon:No one will find me
Bibi:Leon, remember the balance change, if we are 5 tiles away from you we can see you and Everyone surround the cage
Crow sees leon
Crow:Got you
Leon:No let go of me
Road Rage Carl:Let me help drag him to the pie room
Leon:Oh no I guess it is my turn to become the villan
Poco:Is that my guitar
Bake Sale Barley: What can you do with a guitar anyway and I just put there cause it's harmless but cards can give you a papercut
Tara:Look in that hallway there is my cards stuck in a cage with a pass code
Colt:I will stop you intruders Muhahaha

I am gonna end it there thank you so much for reading the chapter an I hope you are enjoying it but Who is the mastermind behind bibi and how did they become evil was it a spell? Find out in the next chapter also yu can guess in the comment section and I will reply also

Type (Colt) for another chapter on this story
Type (Jessie) To see if she finds penny

I will talk to you in the comments or the next chapter.-Streetfighter14

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