The Leaky Cauldron.

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Over the next couple of weeks Oliver was much too

busy to dwell on what Judy had revealed about his mother.

That very next day after Bern's visit John had put him up in a nice hotel

and had taken Oliver down to get a new passport.

"I haven't any idea what became of your old one." John said which was

news to Oliver who hadn't even known about the old passport.

"I should have been up front with you about your mother." John said ruefully on the evening before the trip to London.

He had decided to come along as far as the city.

" I might have guessed that you'd inherit her...ah... powers."

Here he broke off and cleared his throat in a most uncomfortable manner.

"You must understand that I wasn't looking forward to having

another...magical person in the family.

However the very first day when you made the terrier float I realized  that you were different."

Oliver nodded solemnly.

He dimly recalled the day of which his father was speaking of.

Judy loved dogs although after what happened she no longer kept any at the house.

Her favorite breed was the terrier  and she had owned two.

When Oliver was six he'd been drearily watching the little dogs race across

the kitchen floor while his dad and Aunt were talking and ignoring him

and so to get their attention Oliver had wished for the fattest of

the dogs to float across the room and giggled when it happened.

Judy was understandably livid  and John had punished Oliver for

endangering the small dog and upsetting his aunt.

"So my mom's a witch?" Oliver repeated and saying the words aloud

thrilled him in a deeply personal way.

Now he understood where his strange powers had come from and no

longer felt like such a freak.

John nodded regretfully. "She never tried to hide it from me or Judy and I

loved her too much to allow her... difference to matter." He added sadly.

"So she attended Hogwarts?" Oliver asked and John shrugged.

"Apparently .
But we never discussed her schooling or much

about her life in England."

Although Oliver wanted to question his dad further about his mom

he could tell that the subject was causing John far too much  pain to pursue so he

decided to save all his unanswered questions for Bern instead.

The trip to London was  uneventful and they arrived on a rainy morning.

Bern found them rooms in what looked like a broken down old shop on Charing Cross Road but in

fact was an inn called the Leaky Cauldron which was also the entrance to Diagon Alley.

While his dad rested  Bern took Oliver downstairs to show him around.

Oliver :  A Hogwarts fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now