Mogs :2

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"What are you babbling about? Can't you see that Oliver's had an injury?" Don asked testily.

Emma's dark brown eyes carefully scanned Oliver's face.

"He looks fine to me." She said, "What's old grubby fingers Don talking about?"

Blushing Oliver changed the subject.

He was far to embarrassed to repeat

what had happened with the bludger to Emma.

"Please go on with what you were saying."

"Well when you mentioned how cluttered the secret chamber was

something occurred to me." Emma explained about the Mogs.

"That's a great idea Emma." Oliver said excited now too.

Only Don seemed doubtful.

"Yeah it is a fabulous idea but how are we going to get our hands on a mog?"

"We don't have too.
Because Naomi already has one." Emma said with a triumphant smile.

"Wait a minute." Oliver said , "Is it the one Professor Nobles said had run off?"

"Actually he said a mog had been stolen.

They never simply up and run off." Emma clarified.

"Haven't you listened to a word Professor Gribble's said?" She asked looking outraged.

"I tend to tune out for most of her lessons." Don said loftily.

With an eye roll Emma said, "Well that explains a lot.

Anyway Naomi took the mog and has been hiding

it inside moaning Myrtle's bathroom."

"Crikey." Don muttered impressed with Naomi's sneakiness.

"Who or what is a "moaning Myrtle?" Oliver asked.

"She's the ghost of a girl who haunts one of the bathrooms.

But the important thing is that no one ever uses

that particular bathroom."

"I wager." mused Don.

"So all we have to do is pick a date to go looking

for the Diadem and send the mog in after it." Emma said.

"It's all down to you now mate." Don said raising his thick black brows at Oliver.

"How about we try on  the night of the feast because then everyone will be too

busy chowing down to wonder where we've gone off too?" Oliver suggested.

"Bad idea mate." Don said immediately.

Emma whipped around to glare at him, "And why is that Donald?"

Blushing he said ,

"Because I would like to fill my gut with some of that lovely food."

"So you'd consider stuffing your face more important than helping

Oliver find the Diadem?" She asked accusingly.

Don flushed angrily,

"I never said that Emma.
There you go putting words into my mouth again."

"Would you two cut it out?" Oliver begged before the fight could escalate.

Then turning to Emma he said,

Oliver :  A Hogwarts fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now