Emma makes a discovery.

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Over the next couple of days Oliver , Don and Emma were kept too busy with their lessons to

spare time in figuring out what happened to Oliver's mother.

In the meantime they explored the

castle ,visited Bern while getting to know each other better.

Don and Emma had been friends for two years before meeting Oliver

through their parents working together at the Ministry of Magic.

"We always spend every holiday at Don's grandparents estate in Sussex."

Emma said one rainy Thursday night while they were taking a break

from the mountains of homework assignments.

Don was miserably hunched over his potions homework in a corner.

He was still performing poorly in potions which really bugged him

particularly since Oliver was doing so well.

Professor Malum was impressed with Oliver's

work and kept bragging on him in front of the entire class .

It was getting a bit...uncomfortable.. and had Don not considered

Oliver one of his best mates then he might have been resentful .

"Don's family own an estate?" Oliver repeated in surprise.

He certainly couldn't tell by looking at Don who managed to appear

unkempt...even in his school uniform.

It was all that floppy black hair.

"Well...his mum and Dad don't.
Just his grandfather." Emma said

uncomfortably and changed the subject.

After completing her homework she removed a thick book called ,"Hogwarts: A History."

from the backpack beneath the table and began flipping through the pages .

"How can you read that big book ?" Oliver asked turning up his nose.

"I happen to find this book ... fascinating." Emma said primly.

"Well could you put it aside a moment and help me with this essay for Professor Flitwick?"

Heaving a put upon sigh Emma was about to shut

the book when something in it caught her eye.

Leaning forward she pushed her spectacles back up the bridge of her nose and asked ,

" Did you say that your mum was in Ravenclaw?"

Rubbing out another mistake in his essay Oliver gazed at her irritably.

"What does that have to do with anything?" He asked.

"Well was she or wasn't she?" Emma persisted.

With an eye roll Oliver nodded.

"Did you know that one of Rowena Ravenclaw's symbols is a diadem?"

"For goodness sakes why does that matter?"

Wordlessly Emma turned the book so that

Oliver could see and his eyes widened in amazement.

Quickly putting his ruined essay aside he removed the locket

(Oliver carried it with him everywhere now) and flipped it opened.

Oliver :  A Hogwarts fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant