Dead End

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It had been another week before it became too unbearable for him to stay silent.

Full panic didn't set in immediately. He didn't have time to panic, but the more days he woke up numb and in some level of dishevelment, he started to piece some things together. There were few discrepancies to be found, but there were two things to be known.

1. People were afraid of him.

2. The blood wasn't his.

Which meant whatever he was doing while his alter took over, he was either hurting others or scaring the hell out of them. Flippy wished it were the latter, but he knew better because for all the blissful ignorance he had forced himself into, the fact people kept disappearing for a couple of days and then suddenly coming back with no memory of the past couple of days either meant his neighbors were lying to him or really fucking stupid. With his luck, it was both.

So he started searching. He looked for the glimpses of the real problem he had seen before and came up empty-handed. It was dumb to ignore for so long because now the lack of news he was so sure he had seen before could really be blamed on him being crazy. So then, finally, he started sitting people down and asking them the questions he should have been since the start. It was scary to know just how many people were truly ignorant of what was going on around them, to see the few people who were someone unaffected and inobservant. Eventually, someone was able to, rather uncomfortably, point him in the right direction.

The fact Flaky let Flippy into their house was shocking, but not completely out of line. Being the person who had lived here the longest, they were the one everyone came to talk about... he didn't know what exactly. After all that 'asking around', the best answer he could get was to go to them, so he did. They'd been calm enough about the whole thing. He didn't exactly come to their house calm and cool, but he did so with enough respectfulness to be escorted in and promptly explain what was happening. Not that it wasn't unlikely they were cutting to the chase so they could kick him out quicker. From how he's heard it, Flaky's particular affliction was the most unpredictable, and mostly triggered by the prospect of someone else hurting them, so it wasn't like he could hold it against them.

Flaky explained everything. How whatever supernatural bullshit had been cursing them, it was keeping them alive just to watch them torture each other. "Those disappearances? It takes a day to come back from the dead." They practically had a script to read off of, it sounded so fake. The culmination of months of paranoia and he's told he's cursed to murder people in his sleep. Maybe there's something in the water. They go into who all is affected(apparently it's just their isolated block) and where and how it affected their little town, but nothing about the origin. He tried his best to seem like he believed them, but Flaky sees right through it. They sigh. "You'll find out one way or another. Even if you can't remember what you do to others, it'll come back to you. None of us can escape."

"I think I should get going," he stood and Flaky followed him back to the front door. "Yeah, good luck," for what, he didn't want to know. Maybe he should move back to the city. He grimaced, "I don't think I'll be needing it."

"Die then," they deadpanned and slammed the door behind him.

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