Ch. 32 At a military base.

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(Coral pov)
I woke up and found I'm laying down beside the girls. I smile at the sight of them sleeping beside me. They are adorable when they sleep. Then I see Blade behind them still sleeping. He turns over in his sleep and I get up. I get dressed and there is a knock at the door. "Come in." I said. My uncle came in and I put my finger to my lips. I jester to the girls and Blade. He nods and closes the door. "Any way, we have a missing soldier. I was hoping you could help me." He said. "Yeah of course. I want to be helpful while I'm here." I said. "Ok. Well we can wait until they wake up." He said. "I have to go come to my office when you're ready." He said and left. He closed the door and I chuckle. Then the girls woke up and I go to the bed. I sit down beside them and they hug me. "Morning girls. So my uncle needs some help. You two are going to stay in here and hang out with dad." I said. "Ok." Shimmer says. "But we are going to wait until Daddy wakes up." I said. Then Blade wakes up and sits up. He yawns and the girls get on him. He hugs them. "Morning sleepy head." I said. He chuckles and pull me over to him. He kissed my cheek. "Did you sleep ok?" I ask. "Meh. I'm not used to these beds so not very good." He said. "Blade, it's not the beds. It's the fact that you're stressed. Just relax and have fun with the girls. I need to go." I said. "Go where?" Blade asks. "My uncle wants me to help with some thing." I said. "Ok have fun." He said and kissed my cheek. I got up and went to my uncle's office. I knock. "Come in." I hear. So I go in and I see they are having a meeting. "Oh sorry. But I'm ready if you are." I told my uncle. "Good. Come on. We will finish later." My uncle says and gets up. I follow him out side and to the edge of the woods. I see a group of people and they all look worried. They are talking about some thing. "Gentle men I think I have how our solution to this problem." My uncle says. "How is she going to help?" One snaps. "Well there is some thing we know that you don't." I said. "Just shift." My uncle says. I shift into wolf. "When was the last time you saw this person?" I ask. "His name is Luke. But last we saw him, he was going on patrol and never came back." One said. "Here is his scent." My uncle says. One holds out a shirt. I snift and pick up the smell. I went to the woods and I sniff. I follow the scent for a while and then I find a man on the ground hurt. He is unconscious. I go up and sniff. It's Luke so I run back. "I found him. But he's hurt and unconscious." I said. "Take us to him." My uncle says and I lead them to Luke. I whimper and they look over him. "He's a live. Let's get him too the hospital." One said. They take Luke away and I shift back to human. I follow back in the back. When we got back I went to my room and the girls ran to me. I hug them and pick them up. I sit on the bed and Blade comes up behind me. He sits down and kissed my cheek. "Was it successful?" He asks. "Very successful." I said. "Good." He said. I set the girls down and I lean on Blade. "When can we go on a date?" He asks. "I don't know. Maybe once we go home." I said. Then there's a knock at the door. I look at the girls and they nod. "Come in." I said. My uncle comes in. "Thank you for your help." He said. "No problem." I said. "If you don't mind we have a few other people we need caught. Could you help?" He asks. "Of course. I would love to help. Girls stay here with Daddy." I said. "Ok." They said. I got up and followed my uncle to his office. "Shift." He said and I shift. He went in and I follow. "You are to sit beside me got it?" He asks. "Got it." I said. He sat down and I lay down beside him. Then a few other people come in. "Hello boys, I may have how the solution to all our problems." My uncle says. He points to me. "She just found the person who has been lost for two weeks." My uncle say. "You mean she found Luke?" One asks. "Yes Jack, she found Luke and in five minutes too." My uncle says. "So we are relying on a mutt now?" One asks. I look at my uncle he shrugs. I shift and they jump back. "I'm not a mutt." I growl. "You're a wolf shifter?" One asks. "Yes. If you mutt one more time." I growl. "Pearl." My uncle says. "Right sorry." I said. I shift back to wolf and glare at the one who called me mutt. "She won't eat you I promise." My uncle says. They calm down and sit down. "How many can you find in a day?" Jack asks. "Depends on how many there are." I said. "About. 25." My uncle says. "I can find 15 today and the rest tomorrow." I said. "Are you sure? That is a lot and think of the girls." My uncle says. "They can wake Blade up if they need to. It's fine." I said. "Ok when should we start?" My uncle asks. "Coral?" Jack asks. "When ever is fine." I said. "Lets go now." One says. They get up and walk out the door. I follow them to a tent and it has all sorts of pictures. I guess these are the missing people. "Ok here is the first person." My uncle says. He shows me a photo and a shirt. I sniff the shirt and study the photo. Then I run into the woods. I sniff around and find the guy. I sniff at him and he opens his eyes. He seems to get scared. But I whimper and shiw him the collar my uncle gave me in case any of the people I find are conscious. He reads the collar and calms down. He gets up. "Take me to camp please." He said. I lead him to camp and the other run up. They help him to the hospital. I go to the tent and they look at me. "Found him?" Jack asks. I nod. "That was fast. Good job. Next one. His name is Jake." My uncle says. "Is it just me or are only men going missing?" I ask. "Only men." One said. I roll my eyes. "Hey this just proves woman are smarter than men." My uncle says. "Darn right it does." I said. I sniff the shirt and ran to the woods. I found the guy and took him to camp. I did this 13 more times and then I'm done for today. "Go back to your room and tomorrow we meet back here at noon." My uncle says. I nod and run back to our room. I shift to human and go in our room. I am out of breath and tired. I see Blade reading to the girls and the girls are in his lap. I collapse on the bed and they look at me. "What happened to you?" Blade asks. "A lot." I said. He chuckles and I sit up. He pulls me over and we kiss. I pull Shimmer into my lap and she cuddles with me. Maddy cuddles with Blade. I yawn and lay down again. Blade does to and we set to girls between us. They fall a sleep and Blade looks at me. I smile and he smiles back. "I'm ready to go home." He said. "I know you are. But just until my uncle will let us go. Please." I said. "Yeah. I can wait." He said. Then we fell a sleep.
(Coral's uncle pov)
I am in my office when soldier Drew came in. He looks worried. "What?" I ask. "We have news that there is a mile in our base and we think they want Coral and her girls." He said. I get worried. Luckily Coral gave me the power to mind read and I read his mind. He is not the mole. "Please get a few others that you and I trust so we can move them." I said. He left and came back with a few others and I read all their minds. Non of them are the mole. "Please men help me move my head and her family with out waking them." I said sternly. They all nod and we go to their room. I quietly open the door and see they're all a sleep. I sigh with relief quietly. I jester for them to come in. "I'll get Coral. You two get the girls and you two get Blade." I whisper. They all nod and I pick up Coral. The others get who they are supposed to her and we walk down the hall ti the cells. "Are we going to put them in a cell?" Drew asks. "Yes just go with it. That is the safest place for them right now." I said. We get to the cell and I set Coral down in the cell. They set the others down and we arrange them the way they were in the bed. I throw a blanket on them and Drew puts pillows under their heads. The other left and Drew looks at me. I nod in a way that says lets go as we leave. I lock them in. I go to the guards and read their minds. They aren't the mole. "They are just here because there is a mile in headquarters. Treat them nicely because they are just here for safety." I said. They nod and I left. I went to bed and fell a sleep.
(Coral pov)
I woke up to the girls shaking me. "Mommy wake up. We're scared." Maddy says. I sit up and stretch. I look around and realize we are in a cell. I get worried. The girls look scared. I hug them. "Where are we?" Shimmer asks. "The cells. We are still at the military base but in the cells. Looks like we are their only prisoners right now." I said. They cuddle with me and I hug them. I shake Blade and he wakes up. He looks around and his expression becomes worried. "Where are we?" He asks. "We are still at the military base but in the cells." I said. He pulls us over. "Why are we here Mommy?" Maddy asks. "I don't know." I said. Then my uncle comes up and he looks upset. "Before you get mad just let me explain." He said. "Ok." I said. He looks relieved. "Look last night a soldier came in and said there is a mole. I read his mind and the others that helped me. Non of them are the mole and neither are the guards so trust them. But he said they think the mole wants you and the girls so we moved you here. I want you to stay here until we find the mole. The guards will treat you nicely and if you need any thing ask them." My uncle says. "Ok." I said. "Oh before we moved you, I had a piece of the floor removed and an air mattress put in it's place big enough for four. So the girls should be able to sleep." He said. "Girls did you sleep ok last night?" I ask. They both nod and buried their faces on me like they're scared. "Any way I must go. If you need any thing the guards are here." He said. "Thank you." I said. He nodded and left. Blade pulls me over to him and pull Maddy into his lap. I pull Shimmer into my lap and I lean on Blade. He kissed my cheek and I cuddle with him. I feel Shimmer cuddle with me and I rap my arms around her. "Mommy. How long will we be here?" Maddy asks. "I'm not sure baby but at least until they catch the mole." I said. "The mole? We could catch a mole for them." Shimmer says. They shift to wolf and try to dig. Blade and I chuckle. We pull them into our laps. They look at us. "Girls Mommy doesn't mean the animal. A mole can also be a spy pretty much. So it would be like um pretend me and Mommy are enemies and we each have one of you. It would be like I spent Shimmer to spy on Mommy and get me information so I can figure out what I want to know. But Shimmer would tell Mommy that I had abandon her or some thing." Blade says. The girls shift to human. "Good scenario." I said. He chuckles. "Ok I get it." Shimmer says. "Yeah I get it too." Maddy says. "Good." I said. I lay down beside them and Shimmer lays down on me. "Well it's late let's get some sleep." Blade says. "How do you know?" I ask. He points to the window and I see that the moon is out. "Ok yeah." I said and turned over on my side. The girls cuddle with me and Blade covers us up. He lays down and puts some of the blanket in himself. He moves as close as possible to the girls with out squashing them. He puts his arms around them and over me. I guess for protection. After a little while the girls fell a sleep. "I hope they catch the mole soon." I said. "Yeah me to." Blade says. Then I fell a sleep to Blade's singing.

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