SCP-5001 the lightning catcher

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item #: SCP-5001

object class: euclid

special containment procedures: SCP-5001 is to be contained in its cell at all times until further research can be done, SCP 5001s cell is a steel box encased with rubber, weekly checks are done on SCP-5001 and all types of electricity are not aloud in SCP-5001s cell.

description: SCP-5001 has multiple forms but is mainly a human male with brown and slightly blue hair wearing a black jacket with wraps around its arms under the jacket and ripped jeans. SCP-5001 is also sometimes seen as a black wolf (lupine) with metal on its right side with a blue gem in the center of it. SCP-5001 is also seen as a black cloud of an unknown element which blocks out air. SCP-5001 has been seen creating electricity in different forms and can create up to ██████ joules of electricity.

SCP-5001 has been seen communicating to things it calls "the fates" which it says only it can see and communicate with.

addendum 7/28/2019: After a test with scp 1471 SCP-5001 seems to have befriended SCP-1471 and sometimes communicates with it.

addendum 8/30/2019: scp 5001 had been observed to have 2 other forms, scp 5001-1 which can create double the amount of electricity as scp 5001 and staff have reported that when they are near scp 5001-1 they have felt more positive and during a breach scp 5001-1 was seen calming down scp 096, and scp 5001-2 which has been seen creating a dark material that it has used to attack mtf and it has been observed that it can send people into insanity

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