chapter 1: contained thunder storm

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cyrus: ugh where am i???

a scientist went into the cell

scientist: hello scp 5001

cyrus: who the hell are you and where am i and my name is cyrus not the syb shit

scientist: you are in site ██ of the scp foundation, you are scp 5001 and tests will be done on you tomorrow

then the scientist walked out of the cell


then cyrus just sat down with his back to a wall

cyrus: *sigh* i knew i shouldn't have eaten those berrys and what ever shadow creature thing is in here i know your here i can sence some types of energy

the creature revealed itself from being invisible

???: awe i just wanted to see who my new cell mate was

cyrus: ok, one question

???: yea???

cyrus: what are you???

???: im scp 1471 or you can call me malo im kinda a weird phone demon thing

cyrus: well hello malo im cyrus and im scp 5001 i think

then an intercom turned on and said

intercom: also scp 5001 for now you will be sharing a cell with scp 1471 because the facility has ran out of cells

malo: also theres this scientist guy that come in here sometimes and...

malo started to kinda act sad

cyrus: are you ok???

malo: umm yea 

cyrus: im kinda tired so im going to go to sleep cya in the mornin

malo: cya

later that night the cell door opened and someone came in

???: hey wake up you b####

malo: please dont do this again

???: shut up you runt

the person then noticed cyrus

???: seems like you now have a roommate... and people cant know about this

the person started to move towards cyrus when cyrus sent out a giant shock of electricity launching him back while cyrus turned into his wolf form

cyrus: leave her alone

???: you aint in charge here f###er

cyrus: i said leave her alone

???: are you deaf because i just said-

cyrus turned into his gas form and suffocated the person and it left a black flower sprouting out of where their heart would be

malo: cyrus!!! that was a scientist!!!

cyrus: his soul was corrupt i had to kill him or else you would have gotten hurt

then cyrus actually woke up

damn what the hell even was that dream

malo: good morning cyrus

cyrus: good morning malo by the way did anything happen last night???

malo: no???

cyrus: ok because i had this weird dream and it seemed more real than some of my other dreams where its like im on lsd

malo: ok

then some guards came into the cell

guards: scp 5001 follow us

then they led him to a room with some scientists

scientist: ok scp 5001 try to send as much energy as you can into that pole

cyrus: ok

then the scientists went into another room so that they probably wouldnt die from the test and cyrus sent about a tenth of is energy into the pole a and it caused the energy wennt into the lights causing the to break and send out some energy which hit cyrus causing him to stop and try to absorb all of the energy which caused a blackout and also caused cyrus to pass out and he looked different because he was now wearing a white and gold sleeveless shirt type thing and these weird goggles and over all looked like he was the reverse of an edgy teenager and then he woke up back in his cell

cyrus: holy shitaki mushrooms that was alot of energy, wait a second i ment to say shoot wait what the? i cant swear!

malo: and you look different

and cyrus looked at himself

cyrus: huh all that energy must have caused me to go more towards my mothers side of power

malo: what???

cyrus: so basically my dad can control darkness and my mom can control light and they are kinda like gods and when i was born i could control electricity and moonlight which represents light and dark and because of tha light and dark thing i kinda can have 3 forms depending on how much energy i have i was in my normal form where both energys are equal and when i got shocked i got more electricity which caused me to go into this form

malo: whoa

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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