Chapter 50

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~Alex Pov~

'Today's the day, the day I start working. Gotta make everyone proud!' I hum to myself as I walk towards the gates, excited for my first proper day at work. Myla gave me some pancakes for breakfast and told me to act professionally during the day.

"Good morning Mr. Guard-men," I greeted the guards as I was waiting to be let in. "Today's my first day. Can you tell?"
"Yes. Now shut it and get to work." One of the guards shoved me through the gates making me almost face plant. For being guards, they sure are rude.

'I was informed to go to the garden and knock on a door. I wonder who's going to help me today.' I followed the path leading to the garden and found a wooden door on the side of the castle. Just as I was about to knock, someone fell through the door and landed near my feet.

"Stupid door always gets stuck." He huffs before noticing me standing there. Embarrassed he quickly got up and apologized for the encounter. "It's okay, really. I have those moments too." I reassured him. "Do you know anyone named Linel? I'm supposed to learn the routine of being a chef and servant from him."

Floor guy blanks out and turns into a ripe tomato. His face was extremely red with embarrassment before saying that he, in fact, was Linel. "I heard, more like was forced, that I'd be helping a newbie around the castle learning the basics. Although I didn't expect our first encounter to be like...this."

He gestured to himself and the floor. "Never mind that, we have work to do and not much time to do it." He grabs my arm and leads me inside the castle. "I assume you have a key and schedule for your work. Any questions before anything?"

Walking and being rambled on made my brain overload with information, so I clearly had no clue what, so say but nod. "Good. Now get in there, change your clothes and bring your schedule so we can figure out what to do first." Without wasting time, Linel pushed me towards a door and stood behind me, waiting.

Reaching into my satchel, I pulled out the key and looked back to Linel, I unlocked my door and walked in observing everything. It turns out that about three other people are sleeping here, and unfortunately, Linel happens to be one of them, and I know that because his name is labeled on one of the beds.

Putting down my bag, I walked over to the only neat bed with a uniform placed on top. Changing quickly and putting both my keys and the map in my pockets I walked out of the room to see Linel sitting on the floor. "So my schedule says I'm needed in the kitchen to pick up breakfast."

Linel glanced at his pocket watch and nodded. "Seems about the time that the royal family gets their breakfast. C'mon, let's get going, oh, and memorize the paths we take." I nod and follow behind him, jotting down information and paths on the map.

'I need some time alone to explore the castle more. Maybe after doing some things, I can pretend to go to the bathroom? I heard that A.J once used that excuse to get out of a bar fight...I wonder who won.' I blink back into reality to hear Linel's voice.

"...and that's the gist of everything you need to know. Now, do you need any clarifications or questions." He smiles at me and I give him a nervous one back. 'Oh lily pads, can he repeat everything because I was not paying any attention.' "No, I think I got everything, although I think you'll need to help me with the first couple of days."

He nods and opens some doors. "Oh, wow." I gasp out seeing a giant kitchen with a bunch of workers.
"Impressive right? I was also surprised when I first started working here. Hey André! You have the plates done? I have a newbie here, so bring out the cart." There was a faint 'Alright' before plates were heard.

"Here you are, newbie. Later Lin." He greets us and leaves handing over the cart filled with food. "That right, there is my partner in crime, André. He and I applied around the same time, so we've become close. Anyway, enough dilly-dally, let's go." Linel leaves me as I take a glance back at André; he might be useful in the future.

"So, do I get to use a cart for a while or what?" I ask, falling into step with Linel.

"Normally you'd use a cart for training, or larger meals. But until then, you'll have to carry them manually. Now ready for your training to begin?" He asks, all preppy.

"Let's get this over with." I mumble.


After a long training sequence, we managed to deliver the meals to the royal family. I did not remember anything Linel told me, so that means I didn't remember the path we took. Right now, we're having a break, so I have some time to myself before another training.

"So Linel-"
"You can call me Lin."
"Yeah. So anyway, is there a bathroom around here, or do I have to head back all the way to the living quarters?" I ask fully prepared to escape and snoop around.

"I'll actually lead you back to the quarters and show you the bathroom since we have our own." 'Well, there goes my plan.' All I can do is follow and wait for a chance to escape, but since he's next to me it'll be hard to escape him. Begrudgingly I followed him back to the rooms joining his conversation but mostly nodding in agreement.

'Hello Alex, A.J and I have come to an agreement and collaboration. Are you free to discuss details?' I looked at Linel, and Zalk hummed in interest. 'Oh look, it's my buddy I met the other day. I'll be with you in just a couple of seconds.'

As I felt Zalk leave my body, I looked over to Linel, who paused for a second before continuing walking. It looked like he was doing his best to look fine and continue walking, but I heard his muffled cries. 'What's happening to Linel?'

Linel stops moving and turns around, but something seems different from his usual self. His eyes are now purple instead of the usual brown, and even the air around him feels different.

"As I was saying, A.J and I came up with a plan so far, and we need your help for the location. What do you say?" I stare at him for a second before my eyes widen. " that you Zalk?" I whisper.

"Now come along Alex, we have some business to discuss." I just nod and continue to follow Zalk processing everything. 'I know we have to return the crown, but isn't this a bit too excessive? Just what exactly are you planning, A.J?'

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