Chapter 88- The end of one path

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~A.J Pov~

We should be able to make it to the Whispy Village by tomorrow if we keep this pace today. After yesterday's relatively calm day I decided that we wouldn't waste any more time and head straight to the village.

I look down at my arm as I envision the letters along with the ring and dog collar tattooed on. It's been tricky keeping this a secret from everyone especially when I roll up my sleeves to wash Wolfie once in a while.

I look behind me into the wagon to see the kids playing a game of Fireskips and getting mad over it. I turn back around smile softly at them. I lean forward and pet Wolfie's tail and he lets out a soft whine.

'Has there been any letters from that bastard king?' 'Strangely no, I find it suspicious that he has not contacted us since yesterday. Perhaps the fire threw him off?' 'I can only hope that's the case.'

'Don't stress over it Boss, those kids are capable of taking care of themselves.' I nod at their reassurance but the anxiety in my stomach remains. I feel a drop of water hit my nose before it started to drizzle. 'Weird, I didn't see any rain clouds this morning.'

"Should we continue in the rain A.J?" I turn back to see everyone besides Pak looking at the rain. "It shouldn't be a problem if it's this light. The real issue is if it starts to pour. The lack of visibility and unstable muddy roads will be a problem." He nods seemingly satisfied with that answer.

"Do you think there are any four-leaf clovers?" We all collectively look at Aki in confusion which urges him to continue. "Nana told me that if you collect the raindrops falling off a four-leaf clover you can use it in a potion." Alex and I hum in amusement while the twins are still confused.

"Who's Nana? Is she like your grandma or something?" Alex gasps at Pak's question while I take off my shoe and chuck it at his head. "You shouldn't ask something so impolite, Patty." Zu puts her hands together and apologizes to Aki. "She's right, I made that mistake once too. Learned the hard way." I shiver at the thought of it.

"Don't worry about it, Nana is my auntie. Mamie is basically everyone's grandma, she's one of the oldest people in my village so we respect her and treat her like family. Maybe one day we can visit her and my village." They all nod and I decide to stop the wagon.

"Why'd we stop?" I look back at Aki.
"Well you said you wanted to collect raindrops from a four-leaf clover, I don't think you're going to have another chance." Aki lights up as he rummages through his bag looking for a vile.

"What do we do?" I shrug at Pak. "Lighten up Pak, we're serious but we'll always have some time to have fun. Now all of you, go help Aki search for a four-leaf clover." Alex doesn't waste any time in following Aki while the twins stay for a while more.

"Is there anything you two need?" I raise an eyebrow as I get down the wagon. "Are you going back on your word about continuing in the rain?" I shake my head. "If that gets you to go out and pick flowers then yes." Zu drags Pak out the wagon and walks off in a different direction.

'Do you think this is a good idea?' I shrug as I get down the wagon. 'I highly doubt that his majesty would want to walk in the rain, could get his royal robes dirty.' I unhook Wolfie from the reins and set them down as he finds refuge in my shadow. 'I should rest up my magic just in case.' I look up at the sky as I see it greying further. 'Maybe we should actually set up camp for today.'

Getting everything out of the wagon I get to work putting up the tents in a dry enough area for when everyone returns.

~Alex Pov~

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