Chapter Two: Worries

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Rika and I pass the time with idle chatting, and I can't help but question her about Saeran. Though, the moment I bring him up, she seems to tense, the warmth and trust built up around us in this small space vanishes, as though another person suddenly entered. The slope of her lips tilts down before quickly recovering, though her eyes betray the falseness of such a plastic grin.

"You aren't quite ready to meet him yet, and telling you too much about him while he knows little of you could damage your relationship," she says, patting my shoulder sympathetically, though the touches aren't the gentle warm ones she normally gives. These ones are quick, fleeting, and cold. As if it pained her to touch me. I nod, looking down at the sheets. I pick at one of the sewn pink flowers against the soft white sheets.

"You're right... I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask about him," I say softly, and I hear her inhale, the sound so soft I almost miss it. I look up with a smile, desperate to get back to the warm atmosphere. "How have you been doing?" I ask eagerily, and relief blooms across her face before she starts on about Mint Eye. I don't know much about it, though Rika often tells me bits and pieces.

Before long, one of the members of Mint Eye arrives, carrying a lavish tray of food. Rika waves him in,

"Set it down here," she orders, patting the spot near us. He quickly obeys, and Rika waves him out with a languid flick of her wrist. "You don't mind if we share?" she asks, "I don't really have much time to eat otherwise," she adds, looking away slightly. I frown slightly,

"Oh come on, haven't I told you that you really need to start eating more?" I scold gently, "And of course you can, now eat," I order, and a small smile sneaks onto her face as she takes a bite of the perfectly cooked premium stake. I join her with the eating, giving her the most delicious parts of the stake and the fluffy bun. When I attempt to leave her the dark red fizzling juice, she gives me a small glare.

"You need to eat too," she reminds me, cutting off a bit of meat I left for her and holding it up to my lips, her eyes are warm and sweet, though the small crease between her eyebrows displays her worry and determination. I delicately take it, sighing happily.

"There is always the best food here," I say, smiling brightly at her. Her lips curve into a half moon, brilliant and pure as silver. Her eyes are sparkling jade, promising of health and safety.

"I'm glad you like it," she says, her tone a soft pink, warmth without flame. Uncontrolled flames of passion curved into glowing embers of compassion. I smile into the air, nibbling on my bottom lip. "What's wrong?" she asks, immediately picking up on it. I smile at her, my heart melting slightly at her caring.

"I was just wondering... would it be possible for me to do some gardening? There are so many beautiful types and colors and shades," I clap my hands together, "it would be such amazing inspiration!" I add eagrily. Her eyebrows furrow for just a moment, and then she smiles.

"Of course. I'll get you the stuff," she says, and I smile, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you!" I squeal softly. She returns the hug, her arms are gentle and warm. I pull back, smiling brightly at her.

The next few days pass by quickly, and suddenly, Rika suddenly asks me if I want to come shopping with her for the fabrics. I quickly nod, excited to get started. Rika and I quickly dress, though I must admit, the need to disguise ourselves slightly confusing, but I shrug it off.

We arrive at the large store, and Rika follows me as I happily start picking out the fabrics I need. She follows me around, attempting to help, which I must admit is pretty fun as she has no idea what she's doing. I end up explaining it to her, and she listens politely, though she probably isn't all that interested.

Before long, and I've managed to get everything I need for her outfit, and we start checking out. We happily begin walking home, happily chatting, and I can't help but bask in the familiarity.

I was shocked when Rika showed even the slightest interest in me after our first meeting, after all, she often only spends time or speaks to high-ranking officials or when giving orders. The first time she came to me 'just to talk', I have to admit, I was terrified. But then I got to know her, and she's truly amazing. Kind and selfless. She holds up all her worries on her shoulders, all while smiling. I glance over at her, her blonde hair flowing down straight shoulders and as we walk into my room, her shoulders tilt downward in her ease. My chest feels lighter knowing that she can relax around me.

"I thought you had work," I tell her with a ghost of a smile, she sighs wearily, rubbing at the edge of her cheekbone, a habit I've discovered often means she's stressed.

"We're-" she starts, cutting off suddenly, as if she were struggling to find the words she wanted. "Making a game," she settles on. "And I need someone to test play it..." she trails off, watching the opposite wall, her eyes full of worries and tedious. I offer without thinking, wanting to take away her burden.

"I could test it."

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