-»Chapter two - Charlie«-

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I swear to God, I hated plane flights with my entire human being.

'Flight 192 from Marseille, France to Sydney, Australia boarding now,' the announcer said in her preppy, French voice. Don't get me wrong, nothing against preppy French accents, heck, most of my family talks like that when they actually talk English, but it's early and I'm grumpy. Not that my family ever talks English, they are way to proud for that.

I grabbed my bag and took my iPod from the charger. While I shoved my glasses up my nose, I grabbed my guitar case full of stickers and made my way to the boarding place, however they call it. I don't really care.

First class was called to board and you instantly see all these rich business people standing up. And then there's me. The small, little girl in ripped skinny jeans and a cream, knitted sweater and two huge bags. I would prefer flying economy class, but management didn't agree with that, since they knew how much I hated flying.

Which is ironic, seeing how much I actually had to fly for my work. But I felt so out of place with all these rich people around me, while you see a young mother of two trying to sort her stuff out, while managing the baby. With a soft sigh I headed over to the mother and softly tapped her shoulder.

'Oui (Yes)?' she asked.

'Je peux vous aider avec tout ça (Can I help you with anything)?' I asked, motioning to her baby.She looked kind of confused, but then she looked at me with a look of relief. She softly nodded.

'Je peux tenir le bébé pour vous, afin que vous puissiez tout régler, si vous voulez (I can hold the baby for you, so you can sort everything out, if you want?)?' I said, but it came out as more of a question. She looked even more hesitant.

'Uhhm, je suppose (Uhhm, I guess),' she said, her voice filled concern. I smiled warmly and leaned into her slightly.

'Ne vous inquiétez pas, j'ai une nièce de bébé que j'ai passé les dernières semaines avec (Don't worry, I have a baby niece that I've spend the last few weeks with),' I whispered, making her laugh softly and she looked more comfortable.

She carefully handed me the baby and from the looks of his adorable onesie and hat, he was a little baby boy. I held the baby tightly in my arms while bouncing him up and down, which made him giggle. The mother smiled and turned to her daughter and bag.

'Son nom est Zailor (His name is Zailor),' she said while putting some diapers in a bag.

'Hi there sweetie,' I whispered to Zailor. Once the woman was all packed, we made our way towards the entrance thingy of the plane. The woman, who's name was Monique, was seated in the back of the plain, economy. I helped her with the children, settling Zailor in the maxi cosi before I had to get back to my own seat. You see, I usually don't do stuff like this, mostly because I didn't have time or got the opportunity. So when I did get the chance, I tried my best to do it. You know, some spontaneous niceness.


With some difficulty and help from an older man I managed to get my guitar up in the storage and putting my regular bag by my feet. I plopped into my window seat with a soft sigh when another woman walked to the empty seat beside me. She was wearing the typical business suit, jacket and all. She looked at me with a slight frown.

'Excuse me, but are you sure that this is your seat, girl,' she said, emphasizing the girl part. I was offended, I really was. Damn, it ain't my fault that I make a lot if money by making music. Geez.

'Yeah, I'm sure,' I said, my voice emotionless. I grabbed my iPod and put my ear-buds in. It started playing "Jasey Rea by All Time Low." I softly started tapping my foot to the beat. The women beside me looked at me with annoyance, but I just ignored her. Before I knew it, the plane took of and we were on our 22 hour journey. Yuppie...

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