-»Chapter three - Aspen«-

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The song is called Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Listen to it because it's awesome (BTW, this has no meaning for this chapter whatsoever) <3

So, mum told us the names that we were going to use. Mine was Casper Harris, Abby was Harper Harris and Griffin was Henry Newman. We had new passports and everything, we were even registered as that. I personally liked the names. Abby didn't though, she though Harper was a weird name, but I was okay with mine. I shared a dorm with Griffin, while Abby had to share one with another girl, across from us. She had met her yesterday, but she slept in our dorm this night.

'Who is your dorm mate?' I asked her over lunch. Abby let out a laugh, softly shaking her head.

'Oh god. Her name is Mia Fernandez. When I came in, she was just cleaning I guess, but it was such a freaking mess. Clothes everywhere, stuff like that. So I helped her clean up and she turns out to be a really nice,' she said. I laughed at that. This kind of stuff always happened to her. The sound of slipping tires caught my attention and I looked up to see a car parked in the parking lot that our dorm was looking out over. In the dorm/apartment there were windows that went from floor to the ceiling, so we had a pretty good view from the kitchen table. Four girls came out, two with brown hair, one with red and one with blonde hair. They looked sort of familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

'I am gonna go back to Mia, settle in some more,' Abby said, setting her plate on the kitchen counter and kissing my cheek before she walked out.

I looked out the window once more to find that two of the four girls were gone, leaving the blonde and redhead behind. They were talking and the blonde grabbed two bags and something that looked like a guitar case. They started walking towards the entry on the building when my attention was snapped back by Griffin.

'Dude, are you even listening?' he asked, looking annoyed. I just smirked.

'Anyway, there is a party tonight at this chicks place, Danny, and we are going there. No exceptions,' he said with a happy smile. Yeah, typical Griffin. He was the happy one, the positive one.

'Sure, whatever,' I said. That was one of the things we had in common, we both loved a good party. I hear footsteps in the hall and Griffin looked at me with confusion. I looked towards our door and heard some people talking.

'Ah, good to be back home,' a female voice said, thick with an accent. She sounded about our age, so I'm guessing it was the blonde with the bags from earlier. From the loudness, it sounded like they were just outside of our dorm.

'Wow, this place hasn't changed a thing,' the same voice said with a chuckle. Grifin had a small smile on his face.

'Looks like our neighbors have arrived,' he said. Just by the way his face lit up, I could tell that he was excited. I rolled my eyes at him. He could be such a child.

'Yeah, I think that we should introduce ourselves, you know. They are girls after all,' I said, wiggling my eyebrows. He frowned.

'Right now?' Oh god, he could be so slow sometimes, I don't even know why we are friends most of the time.

'I'm gonna go now, if you don't want to, then that's fine. Go and be a pussy,' I said, smirking. I walked out of the dorm and towards the dorm on our left hand side. Vaguely making out the noises, I knocked on the door. After a few moments the door opened. And to say that I was unprepared for what I saw was an understatement,

In front of me stood a beautiful girl. Golden blonde hair, silver eyes that had these purely spots in them when you looked up close and framed with long lashes, freckles, full lips that were slightly apart, showing a set of perfectly straight teeth, groomed eyebrows and high cheekbones. But the thing that caught me off guard were her clothes. Or better, her lack of clothes. The only thing that she was wearing, was a black lacy bra and matching panties. God, now I need a cold shower. She had a rocking body, curves in all the right places. She seemed to notice what she was wearing and blushed a deep red with wide eyes. Now, she wasn't only sexy, she was also adorable. She looked at my wide eyes and then threw the door closed in my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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