Q&A part 1

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Q1: Do you come from a literary background?
Awn: Well I'm only in 10th grade currently, but for the most part I have been participateing in a couple writeing competitions and just writeing for the fun of it.

Q2: What writers do you enjoy?
Awn: The book that got me to enjoy reading was called, "Micheal Vey" written by Richard Paul Evens. I strongly reccomend him to anyone who likes reading young adult fiction with loveable characters! Also, a great auther is the all powerfull Stephen King. I just read, "The Green mile". The whole book was fascinating, historivally accurate, and leads you threw quite the emotional roller coster (especially in the end).

Q3: How did you Get started as a Poet?
Awn: I acctually started writeing songs not long ago, and when my English class was going threw the poem portion of the semester I found it quite fun and enjoyed the structural aspect. (If you can't tell, free style is my favorite.)

Q4: Do you find writeing easy?
Awn: Sometimes. To be honest, I suck at writeing haikus and limericks, but that's because I don't find them that enjoyable. I find that freestyle expands my creativity, and it just flows, but can't be rushed.
Just last year I got a 4 point grade on a 5 point assignment because we had to write a short story between 6-16 pages, and mine came out to be 17 pages in all.😂

Q5: Do you do much research?
Awn: All The friggin' time! Wether it's for a short story, raguler story, or Porms, it is important that you have first hand knowledge on the background. I think it helps that one of my favorite subjects is History.

Q6: How do you relax?
Awn: Music. Music is beautiful and freeing in many ways. Whether it's preforming in my school's Choir, or singing loud and proud in the shower, it is my favorite pass time!

Q7: who are your favorite poets?
Awn: some of the fallowing-

Atticus: "A sky full of stars and he was looking at her."

Dr.Suess: "oh, the places you'll go!"

Shakesphere: "...and though she be but little, she is fierce!"

Dr. Maya Angelou: "your own crown has been bought and paied for. Put it on your head and wear it."

Nour Saad: "some souls are to beautiful for this world. And so they leave."

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