Q&A part 2

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(Remeber, if there is any other queshtions that you'd like me to awnser, I'd be more than happy to awnser them in the comments or in the next Q&A segment. I hope you find these helpful or at least entertaining!)

Q1: Where do you get your inspiration?
Awn:  I like to find insperation in the company of other people or in a situation that I find common, or even uncommon.
Relateable poems work on a wide scale and many readers are bound to become intrested in something thay they can relate to.
Uncommon poems allow the reader to find intrest in something new, and expand their horizons.
Just like many readers, I find these (common and uncommon) sotuations to drive me. My readers are a great share of my insperation and I always like to keep it in their best interests☺.

Q2: What is your writer's kryptonite?
Awn: Limericks and Haikus. I, personally, hate that there are such strict rules for peoms like these. I enjoy lessons and stories in my poems, and it's hard to do when you're supposed to follow so many rules while writeing. Talk about creativity exhauster.

Q3: Do you ever write about someone important to you in your life?
Awn: Yes, most of the time. I want my poems to be full of real emotions and I constantly pull some of my life experiences so as to make the emotions more personal.❤

Q4: What did you learn from Poetry?
Awn: Everyone has something they want to say, but not everybody feels the need for saying it.
Poetry gives you a voice, while helping you stress a point that matters most to you. Many writers use this to their advantage, and the styles all differ.

Q5: what are you reading right now?
Awn: Currently I am reading "Nectar in a seive" by Kamala Markandaya.

Q6: What is the most sensible thing you've heard someone say?
Awn: Aristotle once said, "There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
Especially nowadays, with social media, everyone has a form of self consciousness. Everyone is more prone to be juged, and as you can imagen this opens a form of stress that is hard to relieve. This quote tells me that you don't need to rely on others criticism, you're only human.

Q7: Can you discribe your life in a six word sentence?
Awn: Filled with dreams and new ideas!😊

(Feel free to ask anything, like 'whats your favorite colour?' (Purple) and remeber to star and comment!)

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