Part 4

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Katie POV

"May the meeting commence. " George grinned and everyone in the room nodded in agreement. I began to open my notepad to scribble down notes in case the dean needed info later.

"A new student just transferred here a week ago, and I have to tell you that she is not like the others in this school. "

"What do you mean? " a school coordinator asked curiously.

I frowned, getting interested.

George pulled out a file from his bag and opened it.

"Kara Roseanne Harington. " he read. "Second daughter of a rich man in England. I'm actually a friend of her father, has anyone heard of Mr. Francis Harington? The one with the big family business? "

I gasped a bit. It's in my nature to read a lot of what's happening nowadays through magazines, newspapers and websites. I have heard of Francis Harington, he came from a long line of business from Canada but eventually settled in England and became really successful through a chain of first class hotels around the world.

His business is very huge that he took the spot of one of the top 20 richest families in his country. And his daughter is studying here? Unbelievable.

"Francis firmly told us that Kara should be protected 24/7 here in America and that she should avoid any case of controversy that would ruin her image. Her coming here all the way from England was supposed to be private but I guess social media never quits and the paparazzi knows."

"It is ordered that Harington's best bodyguards should be everywhere she goes but I demanded a bit of space during her classes and what she does within the school grounds. " George rolled his eyes. "Obviously."

"And lastly, her father agreed that Kara should be under my roof for safety. I would be her guardian until she finishes the year. Now, I want you to process her papers but don't make it too public, we have enough cameras on our tail. "

I nodded and wrote down on my notepad. This meeting for the protection of a student? That girl must be pretty important.

"And if anything happens to her.. " George sighed. "Let's just say we will all regret it. Francis is a powerful man, he can get connections and ruin us. "

"Why is she studying here? " someone asked. "Instead of England?"

"Personal matters that I will share soon. " George said quickly, I see his eyes falter a bit. "Now I would like to inform you that... "

After the meeting which lasted for an hour, I was feeling a bit sore for sitting on a chair for so long. I checked my watch and realized that Bobby must be bored right now.

I excused myself and went back to my office to check on my new assistant and wanted to know if she got the bandages for her scratches.

Bobby POV

Katie isn't back yet and I did a little cleaning since I became a bit bored, the action was unfamiliar to me since I never cleaned at home but I gotta leave a good first impression.

I heard a meow and saw that fucking monster named Ginger paddling towards the desk and jumping to rest on it.

"Hey hey! " I scolded and jogged towards it. It hissed at me and tried to scratch with her paws but I backed away, her fur was standing straight in rage. I wonder what I did to offend this wretched devil when we barely just met.

Maybe she hates beautiful girls?

Uh.. Who am I kidding?

"Gingey. " I cooed and stepped forward, she hissed, guess she remorsed nicknames. I groaned and paced for a while. After a few minutes, I heard a sound and turned back to see the cat pushing a tiny container of ink, she stared at me as if taunting me.

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