Part 5

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I felt Katie's eyes boring through my back and I turned from arranging the folders and see her staring intently at me, observing every action I do.

"What?" I grinned. Her eyes widened and she stared at me.

"That! " she said. I cocked my head, confused.

"You've been smiling endlessly for the past one hour. " she explained. I laughed.

"It's normal to smile. "

"Yeah, but you became more energetic and full of glee after you went to the cafeteria. What happened? "

"Nothing. " I said and whistled a tune. "Want me to feed Ginger?"

"You hate Ginger. "

"Do I? " I tapped my chin and grinned. "Maybe I'm having second thoughts. "

"Just hours ago, you were so grumpy and tired and now you became so hyper. " Katie fixed her spectacles and frowned. "I know something did happen."

"I'm just in the mood. "

"Sure. " Katie said sarcastically. "Anyway, club meetings start in an hour. Are you ready? "

I gulp, feeling weak and nervous again. "Yeah."

An hour after, I wore new clothes Dylan gave me when I called him I needed it. He scolded me and apologized to Katie then left saying he had business to attend to which was wierd since he doesn't have any business.

I took a deep breath and fixed my collar for the hundredth time. I couldn't help it, all was okay except for my cat scratches.

"You can do it, Bobby. " Katie smiled and took her eyes off the computer for a moment. I gave her a thumbs up and walked out the door.

I wasn't wearing a dress now, I specifically told my brother the clothes I wanted to wear which was just skinny jeans and a sweater.

I'm not an old teacher, just a mentor. George informed me that the teacher in charge of the club is on leave for personal reasons and wouldn't be back for a long time.

I walked slowly towards the silent halls, meaning the students are already in their clubs. 

I stopped infront of a door that had a sign that wrote "Sketching Club" the faint voices of chatter was heard from inside and I took a deep breath before entering.

"Maybe outline the head a little lighter. " a black haired dude leaned forward as he guided a blonde haired girl with her sketch of a person. A strong built boy with a shaved head and intense blue eyes was arguing with a tall tanned girl.

"I know you broke my head phones, Cal! "she hissed. "Who else would? "

"Stop with the bickering. " the guy frowned. "I'd waste my time if I broke that useless thing. "

"It's not useless! " the girl spat and was about to tackle him but accidentally pushed the blonde girl as she was outlining.

"My sketch! "

"Way to go, Zoe. " the dark haired guy rolled his eyes.

"Shut it, Ryan. "

I coughed loudly and everyone stopped on what they were doing and faced me. I suddenly felt nervous which was unacceptable, they were younger than me why am I feeling like they were superior than my sorry ass?

Perks of being a shut in: No social life and confidence

The dark haired student stared at me from head to foot and suddenly his brown eyes widened.

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