Chapter One

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"Lucifer will you shut up already!" Gabriel yelled from at the bottom of the stairs. In reply, the eldest of the Novaks turned up his music even louder and belted out the lyrics at the top of his lungs. Castiel sighed. Another typical Sunday morning. He and his siblings had been living in their new house together for only two weeks, and yet, his brother had gotten even more annoying now that they weren't living with their parents anymore.

Their dad had died when Cas was young, and their mother had become distant, so they had moved out. As the oldest, Lucifer should have been the most responsible, but lately, Anna had taken on that role. Getting up from the table where he had been reading, he set his glass of water in the sink and ran upstairs to his room. It was only three in the evening, too early to lay down, but too late to go out and get something to eat. Cas sat on his bed, putting the book on a table next to him. Anna was still at work, and Cas didn't want to bother her about the excruciatingly loud music in the room next to Castiel's.

Most of them had jobs, Anna working full time at the local grocery store as a cashier. Lucifer had a weekend job working in a movie theater five minutes from their house, and Gabriel, who was the youngest, only sixteen, had a summer job working at the cafe down the road. Castiel himself hadn't gotten a job because all his siblings had one, and there really wasn't a point in getting a job, so he just didn't. Looking around his room, he noticed that he still hasn't unpacked anything but his clothes and art supplies. He sighed, and picked up a pad of paper lying on his floor. Flipping through it, he saw a few of his recent drawings and sketches. His favorite so far had been a random set of black eyes, which he took pride in. He didn't really know where the inspiration for the drawing had come from. Recently, he had started having dreams where he was an angel who fought black eyed creatures with his 'angelic powers'. He supposed that's why he had drawn the eyes, but he still wasn't sure why he was having those dreams.

Picking up a pencil, he flipped to a new page and began drawing the outline of a face. He added features to the drawing without thinking about them much, and somehow it had turned into the face of a boy, looking as if though he was around Cas's age. The boy had chiseled features, and freckles covering his face. For some reason, Castiel felt as if the the eyes should be green... He dug into his closet and collected all the green pencils he owned, carefully blending them together on the paper. He set down the pencils and studied the picture. It looked almost realistic. He had no idea who the boy was, but he sure was good looking. Beautiful, actually. Setting his paper aside, he check the time on his phone. The clock, illuminated on a blue background, read 6:19 PM. Anna was probably home already, so Cas stood up and left his room. Running down the hallway, he slipped on the wooden floor as he tried to turn the corner. Luckily, the stairs were carpeted, so the fall down them didn't hurt nearly as much as it would've. He laid on the floor at the bottom of the stairs for a few moments, panting heavily. A smell hit his nose and he breathed in deeply. Pizza. Anna must have picked it up after work. Standing up using the railing on the staircase, he walked, slowly this time, into the kitchen, where Anna was cutting two large pizzas on the counter.

"Mmmm.... Smells good" he said, coming up behind Anna and grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"Hey! Cas, wait for everyone else, you loser" Anna told him sternly, and slapped the pizza out of Cas' hands. Castiel gasped.

"My pizza! Why have you done??" he fake sobbed as he fell to the floor and picked up the slice of pizza, which was now covered in floor dirt. Anna rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh, come on Cas, it's just a single slice. Get another one." he then reached for the box, but Anna added,

"After everyone else gets in here." Cas pouted, but sat down at the table to wait. Soon, Gabriel and Lucifer entered the room and both grabbed a slice of pizza. Cas, though, grabbed three slices. Lucifer raised an eyebrow questioningly.

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