Chapter Two

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Cas looked at his clock once more. It now read 7:23 am, and he only had 37 minutes to get ready and get to school. Luckily, it was only a twenty minute walk from his house, but that gave him only a few minutes to get out the door. He rushed out of his room, grabbing his backpack along the way. He ran down the hallway at full speed towards the stairs, and surprisingly, he didn't slip that time. He went down the stairs as fast as he could, his feet thumping on the steps, sounding like a fast paced drumbeat. Entering the kitchen, he saw Anna sitting at the table. She had graduated three years earlier, but she didn't have to work until 9:00 in the morning.

"What are you doing up so early? You could've slept in until at least 8:00." Cas asked, pausing for a brief second to catch his breath. Anna looked up from her cereal with an amused expression on her face.

"I accidentally set my alarm for 7:00 instead of 8:00," she replied, but Cas butted in without giving her time to finish her snetence.

"But you didn't go back to sleep?" He questioned.

"If you'd let me finish my sentence... You'd know that I noticed, at 7:00, that you were still sleeping. So, being the lovely and nice sister I am, I stayed up so I could give you a ride to school. Since it does usually take you twenty minutes to walk there."

Cas sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god," he said. "I thought I was going to be late. Thanks, Anna." Cas walked to the door and slipped on his shoes, and Anna followed, grabbing her keys off the table.

"Hold up," she said, putting a hand on the doorframe, her arm blocking Cas from exiting the house.

"What made you sleep in? Was it another dream" Anna was the only other person, besides Castiel's dead father, who knew about his dreams. It wasn't that he didn't trust his brothers, but Anna was the type of person to keep a secret for anyone, no matter who it was.

Cas shuffled his feet and glanced down at the floor before replying.

"Yeah. Yeah, it was. I'm fine though. They haven't been bothering me that much lately. I got enough sleep last night." Anna frowned at him.

"Well the dark circles under your eyes tell a different tale."

"I was up late painting my walls last night," Cas protested. "Plus, If we don't leave now, I'll be late." Look stared at Anna intensely, giving her the puppy dogs eyes.

"Ugh, fine." She said, giving up. "But next time it happens, you've gotta promise to actually tell me, alright?"

Cas opened the door without looking at Anna, and replied.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Can we go now?" Anna glared at him, and sighed, letting her arm fall away from the door.

"Yeah. But I worry about you sometimes Cas, y'know? This stuff is important, and sometimes you just have to trust others with your problems. You don't have to deal with them alone."

"Yeah, Anna I know. But I just need a while to figure out what the dreams mean for myself, but I promise, once I do, I'll tell you. Okay?" He leaned in and hugged his sister, but her hair got in his mouth and he spat, trying to get it off his tongue.

"Sorry Cas" Anna laughed. There was a sigh and then a cough from the kitchen. Cas and Anna looked over to see Gabriel wiping away a fake tear.

"It was such a lovely brother and sister moment between you two, and then Anna's hair just had to go and ruin it. Tragic."

He motioned towards the clock on the wall with his head.

"You know... If you don't get going, I'd assume Cas will end up being late." he told them before turning his head to cough again. Cas and Anna both looked at the clock, which read 7:52. At least it was only a five minute drive to his school. Gabriel, though, didn't have to go to school, as he had the flu.

"Right, thanks for reminding us Gabe. I'll be back soon. And remember, you're sick. So go back to bed or something." She and Castiel walked out the door and got into her car. They got to his school witin minutes. Cas got out and thanked Anna for the ride, and then began walking towards the entrance.

Cas got to class with seconds to spare, setting his books on the desk just as his teacher turned towards him, calling his name for attendance.

"Coming late, are we? Mr. Novak?"

Cas sighed. "I'm here, Ms. Peters." He sat down in his seat, and Ms. Peters listed other student's names off the list, with 'here' or 'present' after each one. Until she got to a name Cas didn't recognize.

"Dean Winchester?"

Cas looked up when he heard it. He'd never heard of anybody called Dean at his school before.

Must be a new student or something, he said to himself.

"Yeah, here" A slightly deep voice responded from the back of the room. Cas looked up in shock. He'd heard that voice before. But where, was the question. It seem extremely familiar, as if he'd known the person who it belonged to his whole life. But what Cas didn't know, was that technically, he had.

Castiel turned around to face this so called Dean Winchester. And he did not expect what he saw. Sitting two rows behind him, Cas saw a face that he had seen millions of time. Dean Winchester. The exact same boy he'd seen in his dreams every night. The boy he had raised from Hell. And he saw the same mesmerizing green eyes from his drawing staring back at him. Castiel, unable to control his body, fell out of his chair in shock. Several people looked at him, mildly interested in why he had fallen, but only two people in the room reacted.

"Castiel Novak! Pick yourself up of the floor this instant, I will not have this kind of behavior in my classroom!" Ms. Peters shrieked. But Cas didn't need to pick himself up, because Dean was suddenly standing in front of him.

"Need a hand?" He asked, holding out his hand. Cas looked up at Dean, but didn't respond.

"Is that a yes? Or do you want me to leave you on the floor?" Ms. Peters coughed loudly behind them.

"Yeah, yeah sorry, thanks." Cas said as Dean pulled him up off the ground.

"Yeah, you're welcome man." Cas opended his mouth to thank Dean, but he stopped, suddenly feeling very shy, and sat back down in his seat. The rest of the class passd in a blur, Castiel barely paying attention long enough to answers questions Ms. Peters asked him. At the end of class, he quickly gathered his books and rushed to his locker, not paying attention to the people in front of him, when suddenly, he slammed into somebody.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Cas exclaimed as his books fell to the floor. He bent down to pick them up, kneeling on the floor. He looked up from the floor for a moment, and his eyes met a pair of unmistakably familiar green ones.

(Yay, chapter two. Hooray. It was short as well as the first chapter, but it's late and I didn't want to write more. So, yup)

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