Chapter Three

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Dean Winchester was crouched on the ground as well, helping Cas pick up his books.

"Uh, sorry. For bumping into you, I mean." Dean stuttered to Cas "Yeah, um, would you like help with your books? Picking them up, I mean... D-do you want help with-"

Cas cut him off.

"Yes, thank you. I'd appreciate it. And it was also partially my fault that we collided. I wasn't paying attention. I'm Castiel by the way. Well, just Cas, most of the time. Cas Novak." Cas rambled on before quietly stopping. Dean's eyes went a bit wide with shock, but he quickly resumed his normal face and went on as if nothing had happened at all.

"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester."

"Yes, I know who you are." Cas replied, sounding much calmer than he should have. Dean Winchester, the name sounded extremely familiar. Cas had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where.

"How do you know me?" Dean asked, sounding quite concerned.

"When Ms. Peters called your name during class. It's not like I stalk you or anything creepy like that..." Cas trailed off. But in fact, that was practically exactly what Cas does, every night when the strange dreams invade his sleep. Dean sighed in relief.

"Okay, wow, for a second there I was really confused. Like, 'how ever would some totally random stranger know my name?' But of course, it was when our teacher was taking attendance. Not anything strange, like dreaming about each other, before we met or something weird like that...." Dean looked as if he'd confused himself. Meanwhile, Cas had a million things running through his head.

"Yeah, ha, that'd be weird, right?" Cas laughed nervously.

"Totally weird," Dean replied, just as awkwardly as Cas had. "Well, here." Dean shoved the books into Castiel's hands. "Uh, nice meeting you. I have to get to class though, sorry." Dean stood up, but started patting his pockets.

"What are you even doing?" Cas asked.

"Do you have a pen with you? And some paper... Maybe.. Ah, yes-" Dean reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small scrap of paper.

"Pen?" Dean asked again, looking at Cas.

"What? Oh, yeah," Cas picked up one his pencils off of the ground where it had fallen. "Here, what do you need it for anyway though?"

Dean sighed.

"Well, first of all, this," Dean took the pencil out of Castiel's hand. "This is not a pen."

"What? But you can still write with it!" Cas argued. "Why does it have to be a pen?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red pen and handed it to Dean.

"Because," Dean said. "Pencil can be erased, but pen can't. Well, not easily, anyway." He explained to Cas, scribbling something onto the paper that Cas couldn't see.

"What are you writing anyway? Why's it so important that you absolutely had to use a pen?"

"Because, you wouldn't want my number to be erased off the paper would you?"

"Y-your number? As in, phone number?" Cas stuttered out, feeling quite shocked.

"Yes, my phone number. What else would it be?"

Cas blinked multiple times before answering. "But why would you give me your phone number? I mean, we just met, and we barely know each other. It's not like we've become friends while picking up my books from the floor." Cas stopped for breath and continued on "And I'm not even popular. Why would you choose me, out of all people, to befriend on your first day? As well as the fact that I'm awkward, you'd never want a friend like me, I'd just drag you down or make you seem less cool. And another thing-"

Dean interrupted him with a loud snort. Castiel's eyes opened wide as Dean started laughing.

"Are you laughing at me?" He asked Dean, shocked.

Dean continued laughing, "N-no man, not at all, but I think you may have overreacted a bit. I'm giving you my number because you seem cool.

And I'd need someone to help me around the first week or so as well. Remember, I'm new to this school, so I've got no idea how it works or anything."

"Oh, alright. Sorry, I just didn't really expect it."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But, it looks like it's time for class, what do you have next?"

"Oh, I'm in Greek Mythology next, what about you?"

Dean looked slightly disappointed. "I've got Latin. I wonder how many classes we do have together though. Hm, well, I suppose we could figure it out during lunch."

"Yeah, yeah we could. Well, I'll see you around, later." Cas replied awkwardly, and swiftly shoved his books into his locker, slamming the door closed and walking towards his next class.

Cas was the first one in the classroom,not even his teacher wasn't there yet. How convenient for him. He pulled out his sketchbook, and spent the next few minutes lazily sketching Dean. Dean Winchester was always occupying his thoughts. And although he wasn't a stranger anymore to Cas, somehow, dreaming of him every night felt slight more awkward.

By the time his classmates and teacher walked in, he'd only managed to draw Dean's bright green eyes, captivating their beaty more than he ever had. Most likely because Cas had seen his alluring green eyes in person for the first time. The next hour was the most boring he'd ever sat through, and although Greek Mythology had always been one of his favorite subjects, it had seemed more lonely than ever. Cas was missing a certain green eyed boy. Wishing to be with him at this moment, rather than in class. He missed his husky, but sweet voice, the way he talked, his wonderful scent, that Cas could only describe as pine, with a hint of whiskey. Which, surprisingly, smelled quite nice.

After what seemed like an eternity of boring mythology, Cas was finally free from class. Quickly shuffling out the classroom, he rushed down the hall to get to his locker. As he put his books away, he decided to text Dean, so they could meet up for lunch. He pulled out his phone, quickly typing in his passcode, and opened his messages. He grabbed the piece of paper from his pocket and entered Dean's number into his phone, adding a little smiley face next to the contact name.

Cas typed out a message, and hit send.

C: Heya, Dean :P

Waiting for a reply from Dean, he slid down his locker onto the floor, resting there with his hands behind his head. Dean's reply came a few moments later.

D: Who's this?

Cas sighed, before sending a messaged back, smiling a little at the thought of having lunch with Dean.

C: It's Cas, I should have said that it was me in the first place. My apologies

D: Right, hey Cas, haha. What's up man?

C: I was wondering if you'd want to eat lunch with me, we can see what other classes we have during that time.

D: Yeah, of course I'll eat lunch with you! I'll meet you by your locker in a few :)

Castiel blushed a bit, and giggled at Dean's smiley at the end. He seemed quite eager to eat lunch with him, and it made Cas feel like the happiest guy in the world. He finally had a real friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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