✾ o2; you have six (6) recordings.

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"They're gone,"

Covulyst, or Nakamura Rikuto, felt ashamed of his Tremor Quirk. It did have its drawbacks, but if only he were just a bit stronger, a bit willing to go past his limits, they could've caught the Daburu Toraburu Couple earlier.

So much for Plus Ultra, huh?

Before he could get into a spiral of self-deprecating thoughts, he felt a hand on his shoulder, grounding him back to reality. "Don't blame yourself," The voice that belonged to the hand told him.

"But it was my fault..." Rikuto muttered before facing the hand's owner, Eraserhead.

Eraserhead was only taller than him by 2 inches, but he managed to look even taller. Probably due to his lean frame, if anything. He had black, wavy, long hair that reached his mid-back, stubble on his chin, and has onyx colored eyes.

"It was partially all our fault, Covulyst. We were a bit too late," Eraserhead told him with a stern gaze, making him remember the time when he had the man as a teacher.

"You know, this reminds me of when you were my teacher, Aizawa-Sensei,"

"Don't remind-"

"Eraserhead-san! Covulyst-san! Come here!" An officer called out, cutting their conversation short and put their jobs first. "What's up, officer?" Covulyst asked the officer who grabbed something and showed it to them.

"A...tape recorder...?"

"On the back of this tape recorder, there's something written," The officer told them as he flipped over the tape recorder and then they saw it.


"Here we are, Izuku," Mommy Inko started as she started to walk inside while Izuku got out of the constricted space. "we're going to be visiting Sensei." Izuku could only gulp, hoping that they'll be gentler to him this time.

"Don't be so anxious, Izuku. All they've been doing is just to prepare you,"

"A-ah, of course, Mo-mommy Inko," Izuku replied to Inko who stayed silent and opened the door to the establishment. Entering the building and shutting the door, he flinched when he heard the growling from a seat. "Yowamushi. What are you doing here?"

"To-Tomu-chan! I- um-!"

"Tomura. Sensei told us that they'll be staying here," Kurogiri cut in their conversation, not wanting to clean anything else Tomura had disintegrated. Tomura only scowled and glared Izuku, who only averted his gaze somewhere else and fidgeting in his place.

"Thank you, Kurogiri-san. Izuku and Tomura has always been fighting,"

"No worries, my lady. I didn't want to clean up either," Kurogiri replied before putting away the glass he was cleaning and made his way towards Inko. "Let me show you to Sensei," Kurogiri told Inko who nodded and went on their way.

Leaving the duo alone.

"Well then, Yowamushi, it's time to play."


"'Property of 'Matsuo Izuku,'" Covulyst read out loud, trying to remember if there was a 'Matsuo Izuku,' in the case files. The officer spoke up, "There isn't a 'Matsuo Izuku,' in our files, I think it's a new person they could've possibly kidnapped."

"Shit, another victim?"

Rikuto could hear the mutterings of the team of officers behind them about a new victim. "Check the database for any person named 'Matsuo Izuku,' we need everything on the person," Eraserhead commanded the officer who nodded and put the tape recorder in a zip bag.

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