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One day I would trade myself for Starbucks's food. That's how pathetic I am.

I was dreading this day. For a week, I woke up thinking 'hey, today, I am sure Miranda will strike. And I will have to put on a fight'

But I was swept down by burgers and sandwiches. My big brother apparently wanted me to live in the high school dormitory.

"You are sixteen now" He had pulled me down to my bed, pressing his hands on my shoulder "You should learn to live alone"

"I can draw a line between the apartments and make that my part. Refuse to let you and your girlfriend in there. Does that count being alone?" I had answered, bored. But I was slowly caving inside.

Before I continue, you should know my name. Well if I drop it suddenly, you would stop reading it.

My name is Storm Rebel Reed. Yeah, Yeah. A girl named Storm. What am I? Too stormy? Too rainy? Do I produce wind? No I don't.

I never hated my name even though it is weird. You don't usually get a name like 'storm' anywhere

So where was I?

Kael, my brother, and I had each other for more than ten years. After the death of our parents, I had turned to my big brother who was only fourteen that time. The seven year old I was too troublesome that he had so many responsibility on his shoulders. But he never gave up. Mom and Dad left us enough money to buy a small apartment and live for one year without any problem. Kael got a scholarship in between which was a great help. When he took the part time job, it was the reason we went on. In all the busy schedule, studies and other things he never forgot me. He would tuck me to bed and listen to my stupid talks. He would make food. He would do whatever a brother could do. Even though I might never show it, I look up at my brother more than anyone. I can't imagine myself without my brother.

That was two years ago. It came to me like a big shock. The fourteen year old me, came home covered in mud after playing football in the wet ground. I was late than I should have been. Kael should be beyond furious. But all I heard was laughter from inside. My muddy feet imprinted in the floor as I walked inside. I found my brother and girl together. Miranda Colin. She was the daughter of the owner Kael was working. Her brown eyes implanted on me and I knew in her mind I was the pest. She was so elegant that I was almost nothing in front. She snatched my brother in matter of seconds. But I didn't say anything. I continued acting as I always do. I never showed my discomfort when she is at home, I never complained like usually do when she broke the photo frame of me and Kael, I never acknowledged her presence either.

"She makes me happy, Storm" he had said when he noticed my silence around her. Usually I am a tatter tot. Nobody can shut me up.

"I can see that" I had replied, forcing a smile. Clearly it was true. Kael was happy with her. And I had already given him all the trouble this time. A chance of happiness in his life, I can't snatch it. I can't be that selfish.

After that I tried to socialize with Miranda. But turns out she hates my guts. Absolutely everything about me makes her irritated. My sense of humor, my manners, my tom-boyishness, me talking to Kael. She hates everything. Kael went further away from me. The long talks at night turned to half sentences. The weekend stroll to the park stopped. The dinner-together promise they made left me alone with the filled plate in front of me. It was so suffocating yet I had to endure it.

And now this. He was pushing out of the house now. So that he could live with Miranda together. Till now he refused to move in with her in her apartment because he didn't want me to be alone (Even though I am) but now Miranda had suggested this 'awesome' idea of sending me to the dorm.

"This is a great idea" She squealed, brushing her blond hair from her shoulder "She would love the dorm"

I should have reacted. Threw a tantrum. Or spill the tears I have been holding up for two years which I bet would fill up the whole apartment and they would have to move (Ha-ha evil me). At first I denied directly. Kael didn't say anything. But again that topic again. And I understood. I was unwanted.

So acting like I was bribed by Starbucks, I agreed to leave. Miranda was in cloud nine. I was silent the whole time when Kael helped pack. I didn't say anything when he advised me to take care of myself and not to cause troubles.

"Will you be okay?" He asked as we stood in front of the dorm gates. He had avoided taking Miranda here at least. He stood there, waiting for my answer. His black eyes burning at my amber ones. His dark brown hair was sticking up as he kept on racking his hand through it.

"You tell me" I spoke at last, my smirk filling my face "You are the one kicking me out"

His eyes widened, he reached over to grab me. I flinched, moving away from him.

"I didn't kick you out" He looked at me, blinking at my face "Storm, you are not happy with this?"

Wow, so much for being my big brother. He doesn't even know me anymore. Years ago, if I hadn't talked for a minute, he would have guessed something was bugging me. Now look at him.

"It doesn't matter anymore" I said, pulling my suitcase towards me "You can enjoy your life with your girlfriend"


I held up my hand to stop him "Kael, it is decided. I, your sister, is living the dorm so that you and your girlfriend can stay together"

He tried to explain. But I was already walking away. Now is this what we call Déjà vu?

The same feeling when mom and dad died.

Downpour of happinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora