Fate brings me to the floor nineteen

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I stretched my arms a I got inside the dorm. Kael's car finally going out of my sight. Relief filled me. At least I won't have to see Miranda here. And I wouldn't be alone too. That's good. The students were settling down, dragging their suitcases. The boys were joking about how they could live alone and the girls were sniffing back their tears.
"Miss Reed" I heard Peter, manager of the dorm, behind me. His black-pepper hair was neatly parted from the middle. His pale blue eyes stared at me unblinkingly. Like the last time I met him,today too, he wore a two piece suit, looking as if he was going to an interview.
"Hey Peter" I grinned "Sup?"
He narrowed his eyes at me "Mr. Peter. And 'Sup' is not a word"
I ignored that. Sometimes you need to ignore some idiotic replies. These days adults are all about idiotic replies.
"Isn't the weather great?" I tried to make him smile "I wish I get a cold coffee and chill"
"You can't chill when you have school tomorrow" he replied, still not impressed.
"Jeez, so uptight"
"Rules of the dorm_" He started to muttering  about meaningless things while I suddenly found a fascinating interest in spinning my suitcase around.
He pulled away from my grasp and glared "Are you even listening?"
"Whatever you said, I will not do it" I promised. Well the rules are always about the things we shouldn't do .
And even with my sincere smile, he didn't believe me " so you won't clean the room?"
Oh, going on the right track, Storm. I need backup. Backup. I blinked, acting confused "did I say I will not? I don't remember"
He sighed, rubbing his temple "I have the perfect floor for you"
The dorm had twenty floors. Each floor had nine rooms with common living room and kitchen so that the dorm mates can interact. And each floor is unique in its own way. The floor mates stick together as a gang and compete with other floors. It's kinda of exciting if you ask me.
"But I don't think you can handle them" Peter spoke, ticking through his list.
"Nothing can bother me"
"Floor nineteen"
I gasped "there is no elevator here. I have to take the stairs, I will die"
"You will not die"

My breath was too heavy. One more step and I am there. My knees will remain permanently bend. And I will have to walk like old women who has knee pain. At this tender age, I will be termed as an old women.  How humiliating.
Here the old man looked as if he could go further. Peter didn’t even break a sweat.
“I demand for an elevator to be installed here” I scowled at him, gasping for my breath “And I am not dead. Isn’t that great?”
He shook his head “absolutely great”
He didn’t seem too happy about the fact that I survived this. I was very giddy about it.
“Mr. Peter”
“I was oxygen cylinder so that I can breathe”
Peter, precisely, didn’t have an oxygen cylinder. He started walking towards the common area of the Floor nineteen. I had to control my breathing and do the suitcase rolling all by myself. He strode in the room without knocking.
A chorus of ‘Peter’ went around the room. And I was greeted to unearthly people. I really mean it.
The eight people were all different from any humans in the earth. There were five boys and three girls. All beautiful and dazzling. There are emitting a bright aura that makes me wanna cover my eyes.
“This is Storm Reed” Peter introduced “She will be living with you now”
Different shades of eyes found me. I grinned, waving “Sup?”
“I like her” A platinum blond guy declared, flashing a huge alluring grin “Welcome to the Floor which is the Young Gods_”
“And goddesses” A girl added
“Of the dorm” He completed.
“Why the young Gods and Goddess?” I asked, out of curiosity.
“Because the Older Gods_”
“And Goddesses” The same girl added
“Jeez, are in the Floor Twenty. We gave just the spot to them. Since they are our senior and all. But seriously that spot had our floor’s name itched in it”
I can see that.
Peter sighed, maybe thinking how did kids like this come to his dorm “Introduce yourself”
The flashy guy realized “Oh, yeah I am Ap_”
The girls clasped his mouth shut, grinning nervously at me. Secrets huh? I shrugged at myself.
“I am Adan Flash, seventeenth and going” He, to prove his point, flashed a flashy grin. Wow, now that I see it. He had floppy platinum blond hair and very bright blue eyes. He had a boyish face, with a sharp jawline. He looked like the world’s nicest bad boy.
“Hey Adan” I smiled at him “Hope we get along”
“Oh we_”
“Stop it” A deep voice came from his side “My chance”
Stepping aside was a muscular boy. He had rusty red hair, cut short. He had toned arms and body. I bet he might feed on protein shake and not eat anything with carbs. Yet behind his light brown eyes, I saw a kind soul. He was good looking like muscular but cute kinda good looking.
“I am Theo Price, seventeen year old” he said, smiling at me “I’ll give you a kiss, if you don’t like it. You can return it”
The girls groaned and boys sighed.
I laughed, shrugging “I’ll pass, I don’t usually return anything which is given to me”
“Adan, this girl will be the new young goddess” Theo grinned at me “Welcome”
“My chance” The interrupting girl squealed. She kinda looked like Adan with the blue eyes and milky skin. But she had bright red hair cut into a long bob with a side flick. Her freckles gave her a very boyish look. She smiled warmly at me. And I again found her similarity with Adan.
“I am Andrea Flash” She said “Twin sister of this idiot”
“Don’t call your big brother an idiot” Adan demanded “When he is practically the only genius being in the earth”
“You are not my big brother” Andrea snapped “We were born at the same time”
“I came first”
“So what?”
Everyone scoffed as he whined. Twins huh? Fantastic.
“Now me” A girl stepped forward towards me. Her grey eyes scanned me. She had long caramel hair braided into a side plait. She was, in my opinion, a girly girl. Her smiled warmed through her lips.
“I am Fiona Green, sixteen year old” she said “And I love shopping”
“We know that” A boy said from behind her “That’s why you wardrobe is filled with junks”
“That’s not junk” She complained “They are precious to me”
“Oh sure”
The guy again looked like Fiona. Don’t tell me there is another twin here. As I looked at him I realized I may be right. He had her caramel brown hair, spiked up in style. They shared the same warmth. A shining warmth. He smiled at me. He was cute. And had a sweet smile.
“I am Fraser Green” he bowed, gentlemanly “And I am her twin brother”
“I came first” Fiona informed
“That’s not important”
The guy sitting in the sofa sighed, getting up. Please don’t be somebody’s twin. He had great auburn hair with his side shaved and the top all slicked back neatly. He grinned and it reached to his midnight blue eyes.
“Hey, I am Helton Charm, sixteen” He said, racking his hand through his hair “and like my surname, I am a charm”
“Oh shut up, doofus” Adan said “I’m the charismatic here. You can come next”
“Hey, the ladies fall for me” Theo complained “I mean I have great body”
“Shut you trap” Fraser snapped “You were dumped two days ago”
“I wasn’t dumped” Theo protested, mussing his red hair with his hand “I dumped her”
“That’s his story” A girl came in, glaring at Theo “I am pretty sure, I heard her say that she had enough of you”
“I am the ladies’ man” Theo said, crossing his muscular arms “Don’t you love me, Sara?”
Sara had mid-length sandy blonde hair, smiling golden eyes. She kinda looked like she knew everything.
As soon as Theo said it, her cheeks went red “Shut up, you idiot”
“Hello” She turned to me “I am Sara Washington. I am also seventeen”
“Washington” Helston snickered “You get it. She is washing-ton. Man”
Sara snarled at him. Peter rolled his eyes “Someone left?”
“Yeah” Theo shouted “My little brother”
Wow. It seems like they have a vast family. I turned to the boy who hasn’t said anything yet. He had dark messy hair coming between his dark green eyes. So beautiful, I thought fixing my eyes on his, I never saw an eyes like this. He scowled, like every others he was dazzling and had an unearthly beauty in him. He was of my age. Even if he was scowling, he managed to look good.
“Is it necessary to introduce myself?” He said in very smoky voice (I am a sucker for voices like that. so mysterious), rolling his eyes “She would know it somewhere along the line”
I threw my head back and laughed. He looked at, questionably “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing” I laughed more “Just the fact that I will be floor mates with a guy whose name I don’t know and would know it somewhere along the line”
“Fine, mortal” He muttered “Loran Price”
“Mortal?” I smirked “Aren’t you mortal yourself?”
He narrowed his beautiful eyes at me and scoffed. Andrea laughed suddenly “He is just not fond of new people”
“Yeah” Fiona said “took me months to talk to him”
“Since his soulmate is coming today, he is more nervous and snappy” Adan said, sympathy dripping from his voice.
“I am not nervous” Loran snapped, crossing his arms across his chest “And shut about soulmate thing. She is not coming because she doesn’t exist”
What kind of things goes through their mind? That’s a dangerous territory.
Peter was an expert in sighing, he sighed like a champion. His pale eyes stared at me “I will leave you with them. And the floor competitions will happen in the weekends.”
With Peter went away, leaving me with the unearthly people who can’t be called aliens yet can’t be termed as humans.
Loran sighed, slipping his fingers his messy hair “I am going to my room”
“Your soulmate might die if she doesn’t see you” Helston teased
Loran banged his bedroom door loudly. The remaining seven laughed out loud. Theo draped a (very heavy) arm around my shoulders (I wasn’t trust into the core of the earth by the weight, thank gods) and started stirring me to a room “Here, let me show you your room”
“Get lost” Andrea pushed him (Wow, she has strength) to a side and took my arm “its girl’s job”
“Your sister is a witch” Theo whispered (Quite loudly) to Adan. He shrugged “Tell me something I don’t know”
“I will get you two later” Andrea said, dragging me with her. Sara and Fiona joined us.
“First thing first, no telling our plans to the other floor members” Sara said opening the room for me.
“My lips are sealed” I grinned, pushing my suitcases inside.
“Second thing, we take turn to make food. Like on Mondays breakfasts are on Adan, Lunch is on me and dinner is on Theo” Andrea said, leaning against the wall. My room was unnecessarily big.  The walls were painted beige. My least favorite colour. I will have to change that. The wardrobe was big enough to fit two Sumo wrestlers. The queen sized bed was placed in the middle in covered with pillows and cushions.
“I am a great cook” Fiona gushed, smiling at me “You would love my food”
“I love every food” I promised “nothing can stop me from having food”
“And be there is weekends” Andrea continued “The competitions are too important for us. It shows the annual results of the best floor”
I saluted, flopping in the bed “ay, aye, captain”
Fiona moved around the room “So dull room. We want some splash of colours like pink”
Sara, Andrea and I groaned together. Sara crunched her nose “Pink is not needed in every darn room, Fiona”
Fiona pouted, playing with the strands of her caramel hair “Pink is the best colour”
“For you” Andrea shrugged “But I hate the colour pink”
“Anyway, what are you good at, Storm?” Sara asked, as Andrea and Fiona bickered. I shrugged, sitting up “Football, I was in the team last year. I did learn basketball so I am fairly good at it.”
“Speech? Drama?” She asked
“I get stage fright” I admitted, sheepishly “I am not good at memorizing things”
“What about quiz and stuff?”
“If I am with someone” I shrugged “I am mostly good in sports and physical actives. Running, jumping, playing”
“Sports huh?” She said “We might a football match this week? And even though the floor is filled with jocks, they suck at football”
“Yet we were the second, last year” Fiona insisted “Don’t be discouraged”
“Yeah second” Andrea snarled “I hate being second”
I can’t keep up with the conversation. So I just stared at their beautiful faces. Man, now I feel self-conscious. It wasn’t like I am ugly but I am not pretty either. Two set of amber eyes, small and kind of boring. I had lightly curly brown hair with blond strikes here there, cut into a messy wob. I was awkwardly tall and had strangely long legs. It was good for my game through. I was too boyish for my own good. And sometimes boys liked it. I had my flings and flames. I had fallen in love and got my heartbroken. Had breaked couple of hearts. I am pretty laid back for me. I am calm in desperate situation, cool and collected. I don’t go crazy when something doesn’t go my way. I have way to deal with everything.
  “The dinner will be done after sometime” Andrea said, drifting from her quarrel with Fiona “You can change and freshen up”
“Yeah, probably should do that”
After leaving me alone, they fought the whole way to the living room. I glanced at the ceiling I didn’t know, a place I am not familiar with. The sides of my heart seems like going through frostbite. I can’t feel it.
I showered, scrubbing the smell of home of my skin, replaced it with something new to me. Maybe I will get used to it.
I slipped off my jump suit and pulled on a black shorts and long t-shirt. My hair came out damp and wet, clinging to my chin.
The new smell was emitting from my skin. It was like the mixture of sandal woods and jasmine. My head spins with it.
“Storm, finally” I heard Helston when I stepped into the living room. He was sitting in the round sofa of the living room. His polo shirt showed the pale skin beneath it. His auburn hair was now sticking up like he just got electric shock. What I had seen properly was that he had packet of nachos and sauce near him.
I flopped next to him, reached up at the nachos. His hand slapped mine as they barely reached its destination.
“Nachos are mine. Thy shouldn’t take it” he pressed the pack to his chest “It took me my whole energy to buy this one pack”
“Oh you are denying it from me” I narrowed my eyes at him “You are denying nachos from me”
“Yes I am”
I wrung for the pack. He, in confusion, tilted himself, ended up falling face first in the mat.
“I will die in the honor of protecting my nachos”
“Oh shut up, drama queen” I tried to make him face up “Come on, giving me one won’t hurt”
“It will hurt my hunger and stomach”
As we wrestle each other, I was thrown to the floor, him over me handcuffing my hands. I kicked and trashed around for the packet “I will get my hands on that, just you see”
“No you won’t”
That’s how Helston and I became food enemies. As soon as his hands, loosened I filled my hands with most of the nachos and slip from under him. He was about to make a sound of protest which we call a whine when I banged into a hard thing. The Nachos fell into the cold floor making the most heart breaking noise as they crash into the floor. Helston and I both pouted at the person I crashed to. Which you could guess is the scowling fella, Loran.
“You murdered nachos” I accused “I need to call the police”
“It was you who dropped it” Helston complained at me “You are the murderer”
I gasped, pouting more “How will I murder my own love? You were the one who denied it from me. So I had to kidnap it, but he ruined it”
Loran rolled his eyes at us and in his very smoky voice said “grow up, immatures”
Kill me. This guy is hypnotizing me with his voice.
Helston and I scowled at him and in chorus shouted at him “YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND THE NEED OF NACHOS IN THIS WORLD”
Loran wasn’t even listening. I don’t want to associate with a person who killed nachos.

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