10 2 7

The sight of Theo gobbling pancakes after pancakes wasn’t the ideal morning for me.
I scratched my head, and yawned. He was eyeing the pancake like it was the love of his life. Helston and Fraser was holding up a plate so that crumbs Theo spat out doesn’t land on them. I wonder how he manages his six-packs.
Sara was standing in the kitchen counter, elegantly dressed in shorts and halter top. Her sandy blond hair was tied into a neat ponytail. She was concentrating on the papers in front of her.
Andrea was in a tight jeans with cut shoulder top. Her freckles shone in the sunshine. Her brilliant red hair was brushing in the morning air.
Fiona was in a short skirt and shirt blouse. Her long hair spilled down her hip. She was frowning at the boys.
Adan and Loran looked they were having a fight. Adan was talking intently fuming with anger, but Loran refused to show any expression.
“Good morning” I said, dropping to the seat next to Fiona “I am hungry”
“I thought your name was Storm” Theo said, with his mouth full. The chewed pancake splattered at plate Fraser was holding. I am glad I am not sitting in front of Theo.
“Great joke” I mocked a laugh “Split my sides laughing”
“Oh don’t mind him” Andrea said, raising her cup of coffee “he is bad at jokes”
“I am the king of jokes” Theo rained more chewed pancakes at Fraser and Helston.
“Brother, this is absurd” Loran rolled his eyes “Eat properly”
Theo was suddenly a gentlemen, eating with his mouth closed and actually with his forks. Either Loran is good at convincing people or Theo has a huge brother complex.
“Thanks, Man” Helston lowered his plate and smiled at Loran “I will forgive you for murdering my nachos”
“Who asked your forgiveness?” Loran didn’t even have to look up.
Helston sniffed back a fake tear and placed a hand on his heart “So cold”
“That’s my brother you are talking about” Theo glared at Helston.
Definitely Brother Complex.
“Cut it out, Theo” Sara snapped “he is not killing Loran”
Theo went back murdering the pancakes. Adan flashed me a sunny grin. I need my shades, my eyes will go blind. What’s with all this light he is omitting?
“Heard you are a footballer?”
I cut my pancake and stuffed it into my mouth. So good. It’s better than the one I make “Yeah, the captain of the Vulture Middle school football last year”
“So you are tutoring us?” Fraser asked, relieved from the plate holding job now enjoying his breakfast “We all suck at football”
“I don’t” Adan and Theo said together. They glared at each other “You do”
Andrea sighed at them “We all know you two are the worst in football. Just admit it you need a coach”
“A coach won’t hurt” They agreed. I never thought Dorm life would be this…..I don’t know…admirable. Loran’s beautiful green eyes found mine. I was being sucked into the swirl of those deep green eyes. It’s like the wet grass near the riverside, the type you can keep looking at more than hours. I was trying to study the emotions he held in them. But he was pretty good at holding them back. I wonder if I will ever get along with this guy. He is the only one who ignores my presence. Or he is always like this.
He challenged me by staring back at me. Under his unearthly glow, I found myself quivering. I smiled at him, as you can guess, he glared. Wow, I have a very friendly flat mate.
“So training this evening?” Fiona looked up at me with her grey eyes. I shrugged “Works for me”
“Great” Sara said “Now we can beat floor 20”
I seriously need help

Since Adan, Andrea, Theo and Sara were seniors they left earlier. And I was left with Fraser, Fiona, Helston and Mister Unfriendly. Colour me self-conscious.
Entering the King Cross Campus, My head was burning holes with all the stares I got. They were surprised that how did a simpleton me end up between the ‘young god and goddess’ of King Cross. My charming ways, I would say.
“LOKI” the familiarity of the voice made me roll my eyes. He will never leave me will he?
The young gods and goddess near me looked bewildered at the shouting noise. They cast a look at Loran who was busy glaring at the ruckus.
Between the crowds I found a boy jumping and pushing his way out shouting and crying “LOKI!”
A gawky guy comes out of the crowd. He was taller than most of the flat mates of mine (Which is a big discovery). He had spiky ebony hair sticking up like he just got hundred volt current. His grey-blue eyes twinkled with joy as he set them on me. He gave me a big smile wider than the river amazon. And almost relaxingly my lips twisted into a grin. My best friend, Daniel Heart ran towards me, his hair not even moving an inch. Maybe he did get current.
He got to me and tackled me into a big hug. This guy. I laughed, slipping my hands around his waist.
“I thought you would never get here” He muttered “I forgot that you love me too much to leave me”
Don’t go by his looks. By one look, you would term him as nerd with his bony arms and height. But this guy is the captain of the boy’s football team last years, the cocky and flirty jock found in every school he is one of them.  But there is one thing which keeps him different from other jocks.
“Dang it, she already had a boyfriend” Helston said as I pushed my best friend away “Curse my luck”
“No worries, my friend” Daniel assured him “Even though I am her first love and maybe she still loves me, we are not dating”
“I am not in love with you” I clarified. Yes, Daniel was my first love. I had this huge fascination with him at the first. He was a footballer, first thing that caught my attention. Attractive and funny too. He is interesting to talk. Can talk about anything. From news to gossip. He is the source of all the juicy gossip in the middle school. I spent one year pretending to be his friend when of course I had ulterior motives. When I confessed my love to him. The response was more like a shock than a heartbreak. We become best friends after that.
He is a gay. He got eyes on dudes. Girls don’t work for him.
“And one more thing” Daniel said, ignoring my retort “She is a lesbian”
I shook my head, calmly “I am not”
“What?” Fraser gawped at me, checking out my outfit “It’s true. She is dressed mostly in boy cloths. Stay away from my sister”
He stood in front of Fiona, bringing his fists up in fighting position. I rolled my eyes “I am totally into guys”
“That’s why she fell in love with me” Daniel said “But since I denied her, she seems to lost fate in love. Either she is bisexual or she is still in love with me”
“Who are you? May I ask?” Fiona smiled at Daniel. Daniel, acting the gentlemen he is not, bend down to take her hand “My Lady, I am the one who travel every girl’s dream. The name is Daniel Heart”
Fiona giggled at the attention, Fraser snapped her away from Daniel’s hand “Don’t you dare”
“Oh don’t worry about her” I said, grinning wickedly “It’s you, you should worry about”
“Huh?” Helston and Fraser said together. I shrugged at my best friend who pushed me with his shoulder “Loki, shut up already”
“Question. Why Loki?” Helston asked as we started to walk inside the class “Why not Hermes? Or Zeus? Or Apollo?”
“Oh she is obsessed with Loki” Daniel replied with a smirk “Since day one that I know her, she is literally in love with Loki.”
“Tom Hiddlestone? The one who play the character of Loki?” Fraser inquired. I shook my head, running my hand through my hair “Tom Hiddlestone is hot, I admit but the real Loki is who I am after”
Loran started coughing violently. His glare settled on me like I was the reason he was choking on air. Teenagers these days.
“WHAT?” the three flat-mates shouted “Why?”
“What do you mean why?” I questioned, frowning “He is the best that’s why”
“Do you realize he is a villain?” Fraser asked.
“So what? He is better than that Thor, Frey, Freya or Zeus you are talking about” I flicked my eyes at him, smiling slightly “He is the god of mischief and lies. He is said to be having silver-tongue. A one who says one thing, and people will believe it. Just think the things he would tell. The gods remain in motion because of him. He is the one who make their stupid crappy life exciting. Maybe his way are a little offending but still dude he is legend. And there is reasons for him for being that way”
“Wow” Fraser and Helston looked at Loran who for the first time showed an expression other than irritation- amusement.
Daniel yawned at me “Heard that speech for more than thousand times”
I was about to say something when I heard the clicking of the heels towards me. This place is not at all foreign for me if I keep on meeting people who is already known by me.
Sasha Gabriel stood in front of me. Her brown-black hair tied into a messy bun which looked very pretty on her. Her eyelashes were too long that if I plucked them I can sweep my desk with it. She wore a long skirt with cut shoulder blouse, hugging her body perfectly. If only she smiled real, she would be beautiful. But right now her smile is anything but real.
“What a surprise” She said, smirking at me and Daniel “A loser and a crack pot”
Daniel stepped in front before I can stop him “You low bi_”
“Oh come on Daniel” I smiled at Sasha, trying to cut the tension between my best friend and a person who claims herself as my enemy when I don’t even know her that much “She is just saying hello”
“I am not” Sasha glared at us. If I say ‘glare’ that means murdering from her eyes. She gets more wrathful when I don’t react to her insults. Most of the time I had smiled politely to her, she hates it if you ask me. Well screw me for my good manners.
“Sasha, it’s a new year” I said, putting my arm around her shoulder. I turned her towards the window where the sun was burning in the sky “You see there, the sun is shining over us. We are going to be friends. We are going pass this year with flying colours”
She scowled and pushed me away. I landed directly into Loran’s lap who was now sitting in his desk minding his own business. Now he hates me more.
I watched his green eyes turn livid with anger as my hand touch his shoulder for support. Reflexingly, he wrapped his arms around my waist and then glared beautifully   “What do you think you are doing?”
“I am sorry” I didn’t make move to get up. For the first time in my life, a fresh set of blush flared through my face. What the heck?
“What the heck?” My best friend shared my thoughts “You are blushing? The super human Storm is blushing”
I got up immediately, rubbing my cheeks to stop it to burn “I am not. It’s just…some expression”
I hurried to my seat before I embarrass myself more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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