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"I wonder where he is, he's never this late..." Mika thought to herself she mindlessly strummed her Kantele, a concerned expression covering her face.

"Mika... Mika... Mika!" Aki yelled.

"E-Eh, a-ah yes!"

"Are you alright Mika?"

"Of course I am" She replied with a smile, returning to her usual calm self after her shock had worn off.

"You looked pretty worried..."

"Ah, n-no I-I'm fine~" Mika responded with a forced smile, not wanting to tell Aki what she was worried about...

"If you say so" Aki replied, a questioning expression forming on her face.

"So where's Carl anyway? Isn't he supposed to be meeting us here?"

"Yes, but he's running late... For some reason..." Mika replied as her concerned expression returned.

"Oh, I get it" Aki said with a chuckle.

"W-What do you mean?"

"You're worried why he's late, aren't you Mika" Aki answered with a smirk.

"N-No I'm not!" Mika responded in an elevated tone, something she almost never did, as her face began to turn red.

"Why are you embarrassed to talk about it then?"

"I'm n-not embarrassed about a-anything!"


Mika let out a sigh at Aki's reaction and felt her face heat up even more.

"You know what? I'm going to go and see why he's late" Mika said as she began to walk away from Aki, her face still bright red.

"Tell him I said hi then"


(Mika in head) "I'm sure he just got held up... I hope..."

*knock* *knock*

"Who's there?", Carl responded with a croaky voice and cough.

"Is that you Carl?..." Mika asked as her expression changed to one of worry.


"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm alright..." Carl replied as he approached the door and opened it for Mika.

Once the door opened, Mika saw Carl's sickly face before he turned around and walked back towards his bed.

"Carl! W-What's wrong?!" She asked as she followed him quickly.

"It's just the flu..." Carl responded as he sat on his bed and rested his face in his hands, occasionally letting out soft moans of pain brought about from his painful headache.

"H-How long have y-you b-been sick?"

"A *cough* few days... That's why I've been away from school", He replied as he coughed a bit more.

"I'm sorry..." Mika said in a very soft tone as she slumped her shoulders.

"What are you sorry for?" Carl asked as he raised his head and turned to Mika, who was looking down at the floor.

Mika's hands began to shake as she turned to him with a nervous expression.

"I s-should've b-been here to l-look after you..."

Carl let out a small chuckle at her words, "It's alright Mika, I didn't want to worry you anyway"

"B-But... I..."

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