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"Just one more Class~" Koume whispered to herself with a cheerful hum as she made her way between classes, happy that school was almost over and more importantly that she got to spend a period with one of her closest friends.

As she entered the classroom she turned towards the desk that she and her friend always sat at, noticing that the seat next to hers was surprisingly empty.

"He must be running late..." She whispered to herself as she moved over and sat down. Finding herself glance at the door every time she heard someone walking by during the class.


(Koume in head) "I shouldn't be getting this worked up or worried... Why am I?" Koume wondered to herself as she left her class at the end of the day, feeling much more down than usual.

"Normally I leave this class smiling..." She added softly, letting out a long sigh as she felt herself thinking of why that was.

"Maybe I do miss him..."

"Miss who?" Maho asked as she walked up beside Koume.

"A-Ah, C-Commander! N-No one..." She respond, slightly flustered.

"Don't you usually leave class with Kurt at this time though?" Maho then asked matter of factly, slowing down to meet Koume's new pace.

"I do but I think he must be sick today or something, he wasn't in class"

"Hm..." Maho responded, pursing her lips in thought as she looked Koume up and down as they walked. As she did so she took note of her now even more saddened expression.

"Commander?" Koume asked with a confused tone as she noticed Maho staring at her as they walked.

She as then even more surprised as Maho started to chuckle slightly.

"I never would've guessed" Maho added.

"Ah... I don't understand"

"I never would've guessed you of all people would develop a crush~"

Upon hearing these words Koume felt her face heat up and turned away sharply, her normally calm and cheery exterior replaced with one of embarrassment.

She then opened her mouth to retort and say plainly that 'she did not have a crush on Kurt and that they were just friends' but something inside her wouldn't let the words come out.

"Hang on a minute! Why is it so strange that I'd have a crush on someone!" Koume then practically yelled out in an indignant tone, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"I suppose I just never imagined you opening up and spending that much time with someone who you had feelings for. However after seeing how down you are at his absence and thinking about how much time you two spend together I guess it makes sense that-" Maho responded, stopping as Koume cut in.

"Okay! I get it... Maybe I do like him..."

Maho smiled widely as Koume let out another long sigh, "It's alright, it's better to accept it~"

"But now that I think about it I'm even more nervous... What if he doesn't really like me back? What if he-"

"Stop. Just breathe for a moment" Maho responded, holding Koume's shoulders lightly.

"You two are best friends, not to mention how much time you spend together. Plus I've seen the way he looks at you, there's definitely something there. I certainly say that you two have chemistry together"

"I hope so..." Koume whispered, more to herself than to Maho.

"Now come on, let's go and discuss this more over a pleasant drink" Maho offered, leading to Koume smiling and bowing slightly in response.

"Okay, thank you Commander"


"So he wasn't here today either?" Maho asked as she approached Koume, seeing her in the same saddened state as she was in yesterday as the pair left the school grounds and began walking home.

"No he wasn't... Just when I decide to make more of an effort to show my feelings and he happens to be sick..."

"Hmmm..." Maho once again pursed her lips in thought, this time a slight smirk forming on her face.

"Why don't you go and see him? I'm sure he'd be happy to see his crush and have her look after him while he's sick..."

"I-I can't do that! I... I don't even know where he lives?!"

"But you have his number right? Just ask for his address and say you want to see him"

"But..." Koume opened her mouth to retort, but reasoned in her own mind that it was something that she wanted to do.

"Alright... I will..." She muttered as she took out her phone.

"I'll give you some privacy then, let me know how it goes~" Maho called out with a chuckle as she walked away, leaving just as Koume began calling Kurt.

"*Cough* Hey Koume" Kurt greeted as he answered, feeling a smile grow on his face as his heart fluttered due to her calling him.

"H-Hey... Are you d-doing alright?" Koume asked with a slight stutter, closing her eyes and stamping one of her feet in spite of herself.

(Koume in head) "Stop being so nervous and act cool headed already!"

"*cough* *cough* I've just been a little sick is all, I've missed you..." He added on to the end of his response, feeling his heart begin to beat wildly as he realized that he'd actually just said that to her.

"O-Oh... W-Well I-I've missed you too actually..." Koume responded rather sheepishly, feeling herself smile slightly upon hearing that he missed her as well.

"*Cough* *Cough* S-So uh... W-What are you u-up to *cough* Koume?" Kurt responded, trying to change the subject to calm his nerves.

"W-Well I uh... I-I was just calling to ask if I could um... Well if I c-could come over to your place and uh... L-Look a-after you..." Koume practically whispered the last part out, her head slowly hanging lower and lower as she progressed through the sentence. Feeling her heart sink partially at the end as she was sure he was going to hate her or find her weird for asking it.

"*Cough* *Cough* I-I'd really like that..." Kurt responded softly.


After having told Koume his address and that he'd left the door unlocked Koume had entered his apartment and taken to looking after him...

"Koume I can do that myself!" Kurt practically yelled as he got up from the bed and walked over to her as she measured out a small dose of cough medicine.

"Go back to bed!" She proclaimed, putting her arms around him and leading him back the way he'd come.

"*cough* *cough* Hey!" He responded in a slightly joking tone as she giggled slightly, finding themselves going back to their usual teasing ways when they were alone. He then laid down onto the bed as she put the covers over him. As she did so he smiled up at her with a blush on his face.

"Thank you for coming Koume~" He spoke softly, tentatively bringing his hand up to her face as she leaned over him.

She then let out a soft whimper as she leaned her head to the side into his hand. Closing her eyes and parting her lips slightly as she began to lean down towards him.

As he watched this happen Kurt took in a deep breath and felt his heart beat faster and faster as he slowly closed his eyes and raised his head slightly.

The pair shared a few short pecks on the lips before Kurt slipped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her in closer.

She whimpered slightly before melting into the kiss.

"I..." Koume started with a whisper as they parted, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you" He spoke with a smile.

She giggled in response and pecked him again quickly.

"I love you too"

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