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Authors Note: The image used above is the property of  'Ruka' on Pixiv.

"So what are you up to tonight?" Anchovy asked as she and Pepperoni walked out of the school gates at the end of the day.

"I uh... Nothing!" Pepperoni muttered hurriedly, trying to stop herself from blushing as her mind wandered to what she was actually doing.

"Oh, would you like to go out for dinner with me and Carpaccio then?"

"Uhh I would but uh..."

"What is it? Why are you acting like this?" Anchovy asked with a confused expression, noticing that Pepperoni now wore a large blush on her face and was struggling to speak clearly.

"N-No reason! I-I'm just... Well I'm actually..."

"Oh~" Anchovy mused with a smirk, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"You've got a date haven't you?~"

"Wha?! N-No! Of course not! Who would want to go on a date with me?!"

"I could think of quite a few guys who would~" Anchovy joked with a smile.

Pepperoni then let out a sigh as she realised Anchovy knew her well enough to know when she was lying.

"Fine... I... I am going on a d-date..."

Anchovy let out a high pitched squeal upon hearing Pepperoni's words and jumped up and down on the spot.

"Woah, calm down Duce!"

"I know, I'm just excited to hear you're finally going on a date with him~"

"W-What?! Y-You have no idea who he is!"

"Oh really?~"

"Y-Yes of course!" Pepperoni yelled in reply, feeling herself blush even more knowing that Anchovy might actually know who it was.

"Well let me guess~ He's about half a foot taller than you, he has dark brown hair and he drives one of our Carro Veloce tanks?"

After Anchovy finished her deduction, Pepperoni stood for a moment with her mouth partially agape, amazed at the fact she'd guessed right. This expression was then changed to one of embarrassment as she realised that meant Anchovy could tell everyone about her and Leonardo.

"D-Duce y-you wouldn't tell anyone about m-my d-date would you?..." Pepperoni asked shakily, seeing a surprised expression grow on Anchovy's face.

"Of course not, I won't tell anyone! Well I mean I might tell Carpaccio, but that's it I promise!"

"Ah..." Pepperoni opened her mouth to retort but stopped herself as she realised that her two best friends knowing wouldn't really change much.

"T-Thank y-you Duce..."

"No problem~ Now go! You have a date to impress~"

---Timeskip: Pepperoni POV---

After walking back to her apartment Pepperoni opened her wardrobe to decide what she was going to wear for her date.

"I suppose this would be nice~" She said to herself with a smile as she held a dress up to herself in the mirror.

A blush then covered her disheartened face, "But I don't think I really have the figure for it..."


"Where is she?" Leonardo mused to himself as he waited for Pepperoni to meet him near their new Carro Veloce tanks. "Why is it girls always take so long to get dressed?..."

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