Chapter Two: The Orders

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Chapter Two:

The Orders

That horrid day I woke up to my master hugging me seriously, it felt as if he was trying to choke me to death! "M-master Kazuki...*breathe heavily* I...can't breathe..." I said in a strained voice. Kazuki's eyes blinked once...twice...thrice...quadriple times until he came into reality. He looked up at me with surprisingly a loving smile and said "Good morning, my maid~" I blushed, still not breathing easily and said "I...still...can't breathe...Kazuki..." Kazuki let go of me and stayed on the bed as I got up. He seemed KINDER...holy mother of cheese ಠ▃ಠ "Oi! Get up and change your clothes!" I said, and then Kazuki slowly looked up at me and was about to say something, until I quickly interrupted and said "And no, I'm not going to change your clothes! I'm a girl you idiot!(」゚ペ)」" Kazuki then let out a big sigh...(perv!) >:(

I always went to school before him with Rin, but today...was different. As I walked through the fence and said "See you at school, master Kazuki!" and waved good-bye, Kazuki grabbed my other arm, the one which wasn't waving good-bye, and said "Wait! Let's walk to school together." I turned around with an annoyed look on my face and asked, "Why? You go to school with your casual friends don't you?" He then answered, "Yeah but...*silence* I...I...DON'T KNOW IF YOU TALK ABOUT ME OR NOT IN YOUR CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR FRIEND." Haha, so caring my master is, and IDIOTIC! >:(

That morning, me and my master walked to school with my mesmoriezed friend, Rin..."Ah~ Kazuki, you are my angel from above! You must've been seen by the gods to protect me right? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I looked at her and said, "Actually, he's just here to stalk on our conversations. Isn't that right, master Kazuki?" Instead of him saying "Heck ya, you're right! I like stalking on da ladies conversations'" like I thought he would say, he actually just said gladly "No, I'm just here to hang out with you guys! Why not become friends with my maid and her friend right?" When I turned to see Rin's reaction, her face looked so happy that I felt sad that I hated Kazuki...(Rin's Reaction: ----> ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ ) 

Rin kept smiling the WHOLE way to school, that during class she kept complaining that her cheeks hurt! "Owwie...My cheek's hurt Manami-chan!(╥﹏╥)" complained Rin during snack. I turned my head to Rin, who was slowly trying to chew the sandwhich piece in her mouth to prevent from hurting her cheeks even more and said "That's what you get for smiling at that jerk Kazuki all the way to school! ಠ╭╮ಠ" Suddenly, I could see Kazuki leaving his table, which was full of his bestest friends, and came over to my snack table. All of sudden at the corner of me eye, I could see Rin's face go like this         ----> ♥╭╮♥

"I must be the luckiest gal in the world to hang out with you Kazuki-kun!                            \(○^ω^○)/" said Rin with such happiness in her voice! "Good thing, there's only five more minutes left for snack." I said. Kazuki looked at me and asked "Why?" I turned my head from my almost eaten sandwhich and replied "So I don't have to be nea-..." I remembered sadly, Rule 31 Maid/Butler Code: You must never insult your master and never tell them that you dislike them in anyway possible! Kazuki asked "Would you mind finishing your sentence, Minami?" "No thank you...master."

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