Chapter One

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Thoughts are someone's opinions occurring in the mind, Dreams are a series of thoughts, pictures, and sensations occurring in the mind of someone who is sleeping.
Mix the two together, then you get a perfect method of creating the perfect dream guy. ~Nora love

"So your telling me you only got a 50% on this beautiful piece of
writing!?" Jackie stated in a friendly fashion. It was the last day of school and we were both sitting in English while the teacher was passing back all our assignments through this school year.
I got a 50% on an essay, it was pretty good, I guess the teacher didn't like my last paragraph describing dreams and thoughts.
Jackie wrote about the differences between cats and dogs and reasons they hate each other, she was across from me looking all cheerfully while reading her essay. (Which she also got 50% on.)

"There were about 20ish students in this classroom and I doubt any of them got full credit." I stated, we were probably the most troubling class the teacher has had all school year. "Not true, you see Ernie boy over there, he got 100%." I followed Jackie's finger and looked at a kid silently sleeping on his desk, I couldn't see His face, but I didn't have to since I pretty much have all classes with him.

"Oh yeah? I'm not surprised, he's the only kid that loves raising there hand to answer questions."
Me and Jackie both nodded in agreement, then we both blabbed on about summer plans, Jackie was going to work at this fro yo place, meanwhile I had just submitted a lifeguard application a few days ago.
"I can see it already girly, you ain't gonna come back the same, junior year you'll be swanking in the halls wearing booty shorts and crop tops."

Looking at my best friend, I saw she meant it, which was halarious considering I've been sticking with sweatpants and hoodies all year.

"Not even! You know how I feel about Shorts, they're uncomfortable! Besides I just wanna try it out, see how it is."
I've watched countless of videos of life guard Vloggers and it was honestly a lot, cleaning bathrooms, saving drowning kids, picking up poop from the pool, ect.
And I thought I was prepared for it all.
I knew it wasn't gonna be like bay watch.
After English was over me and Jackie went over to her house to finish planning our summers to do list, then after that was done my mom picked me up and we went home. (Cuz this girl can't drive on her own)

My favorite time of the day, is when it's dark out and everyone is sleeping. I layed bed listening to love songs and plan out a dream for me to have, and its always in the Same setting.

It was at the public swimming pool, I was wearing a red swimsuit that screamed 'I'm a life guard!'

It showed off all my good curves and flawless tanned skin that I've been working on for awhile. All the crew members were nice, a few shirtless buff guys, and a few Instagram looking girls. The best part of the dream thought was him though, 'slow dancing in the dark' came on the pool speakers and this guy came out of the lockers.

is black fine hair swayed in the slight breeze, his v neck black shirt hugged his muscles, while he wore black jeans and black and white vans. My mind created this beautiful creature, idk how...but I'm in mad love with it.
He was walking up my way carrying two Starbucks drinks, one of then was half empty which I considered was his.
Then he was in front of me, I didn't realize he was taller than me, until I had to tilt my head back to look at his dashing smile.

What I loved the most was that when he smiled his eyes seemed to smile to. He was white but not the blinding kind, the kind that glows just right when the sun glares down.

I was just standing there embracing this amazing sight, and I think he was too, as his eyes kept skimming my being.

Now my most least favorite when its time to get up.

"Nora! That dogs have to go out!" My mom screamed out.

The weird part was, I didn't even have a name for my dream boy. He was just there, lingering on my mind the whole day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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