Chapter 11

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Rachel helped me out with this chapter so hopefully it is okay XD (A/N). Sorry if this chapter is eh but enjoy? xD

Ururaka's P.O.V

"A-ALL OF YOU ARE HERE?" I look behind Tsu and saw more of my friends from a long time ago. I missed this, I missed them, I was so happy that I started to cry.

"Ochacko-san why are you crying?" Tsu asks and I hug all of them at once. 

"I missed you all!"

Bakugou's P.O.V

Ochacko got to meet some of her old friends, good for her. But I didn't care at all.  I made it over to the table and took a seat in a chair. I groaned again and then my thoughts started to wander around in and out, and across my mind until I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I look over to my right and see Kirishima and look over to my left and see Todoroki..What do these two ass hats want.

"Hey, Bakubro, what's up?"

I grunt as a response not really listening to these idiots. 

"Bakugou, is it possible that you have mutual feelings for Ururaka?" Todoroki asked. I turned my head over and glared at him.


"What's with all the yelling?" That calm and at the same time, idiotic voice was Deku. 


"B-But Kacchan I uh-"

"He can stay" Todoroki interrupts us both and Todoroki sort of smiles at Deku. I smirk slightly.

"What's this I see?"  Todoroki tilts his head to his left confused by what I meant but Deku starts to walk away.

"I-I am not hungry you guys! See you!" He says while walking away quickly. I watch the half and half bastard get up quickly and chase after Deku. Those two are dense. 

I looked down at the bowl of soup and I picked up my spoon. I took a small portion up along with my spoon and hesitantly tried it..I thought this was going to taste like shit but I guess half and half bastard can cook. I looked over at Ochacko talking with her friends at a different table, I slightly rolled my eyes and then that dumb shit started talking.

"Whatcha' looking at Bakubro?"

"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL KILL YOU SHITTY HAIR!" I yelled out making everybody stop their own conversations and it was quiet.


Everyone started talking again and Shitty hair was laughing his ass off and so was Denki who was approaching the table. Ugh these two idiots...EVERYONE HERE IS A GOD DAMN IDIOT..Kinda..

Ururaka's P.O.V

Man, I missed this. Hanging out with all my friends, it feels nice.

"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL KILL YOU SHITTY HAIR!" Ah, I wonder who that could be..everyone got quiet and I was sort of laughing on the inside.

"PISS OFF!" Katsuki retorts out in a very angry manner. 

After that comment everybody starts talking again. I start to listen into my friends conversation. 

"Bakugou still has quite the temper, doesn't he?" Momo asks.

"Nah, he will never change" Mina says laughing a little.

"I think he changed a little." Did I really just say that-

"Ooh whatcha hiding Ochacko?"

"N-nothing Mina. Nothing at all you guys!"

Mina has a sly smirk on her face and jumps up from the table.

"C'mon who is it Ochacko?!"

"Eh? G-guys it's nothing! Oh uh I am not that hungry anymore, and I am just you know really tired so uh yeah" I push my bowl of soup in front of Mina and ran outside to calm down. Once I was outside I realized it was snowing. I guess winter hits you pretty fast. Ugh why can't I just tell them, but at the same time..I don't really want them to know..Or do they?

I was scattered around my own thoughts at this point. 

'Man, I should really get back inside' I thought. And then I heard a door open behind me and I turn around to see Katsuki.

"Why the fuck are you out here?"

"O-oh Katsuki, um it's all good, you know trying to get fresh air." Katsuki must have not believed me.

"Why do you seem so tense then? Seems like you had a small tantrum back there with your god damn friends." 

"It wasn't a tantrum! I was just, tired"

"I don't fucking believe you." 

I start to laugh out of no where, and I am not sure why I am laughing but I decide to walk back inside avoiding and confrontation or questions. But then I felt a grip on my wrist and was turned around to face Katsuki again.

"You don't want them to know about us, do you?"

I did not want to hurt Katsuki's feelings at all but I nod my head lightly meaning yes. I hear him sigh and ruffle my hair.

"Neither do I, but we can always fucking wait till you are ready." I lean in and hug Katsuki tightly and for a moment he hesitates, but hugs back.

"I don't deserve this.."

"Shut the fuck up. Let's go back inside, it's cold out here.."

I nod and walk back inside with Katsuki. It seems that everyone was done eating. Todoroki and Deku-kun were washing everything from dinner and it seems that others were getting ready to go back to sleep. 

"Look, I am going to fucking help out Deku and Half and half."

I nod and walk upstairs to head to bed. I found a room that wasn't vacant and walked along inside. My eyes scanned around the room and it seemed nice. There was a nice comfy bed, and candles were lit across the room. It felt warm and I collapsed in bed.

Isn't this peaceful..

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