Nicole pov

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I yawned and stretched before rolling out of bed. Checked the time on my alarm clock and say 8.25 .wow checked my phone to see 1 missed call from kay around 1am. I got out of bed and headed to the shower . A few minutes in dressed and heading to the kitchen . Stopped by Kay's room to see she's still out cold. I went to the kitchen and heated up some pop tarts. Decided to watch some movies. Didn't even know when i fell asleep. I was woken by Kay shaking me . I rubbed my eyes "what time is it?" I asked. Around 2 ish she said while she makes big yawn. "What time did you get home?" I asked. " about half 1 . I was calling you to find out if you got home ok and got no answer and what was up with that vehicle number you sent" I explained to her that i was sleeping and that number was the alleged mr Mathew/ stalker car number. She burst out laughing. We spent the rest of the day eating junk and watching movie talking about her mystery guy.
Monday morning back to work glad that the weekend was over. " hey max" i beamed as i strolled into work on time for once. " hey nic morning, how was your girls night out" . I told him it was ok and about my stalker. Max seems amused by the nickname i gave to mr Mathews . " wow who's this hunk ?" I heard max say out of the blue. If i didn't mention before my friend max is part of the LGBTQ community. I turned to where he's looking and my mouth instantly drop open. Entering the coffee shop looking around is mr stalker looking drop dead gorgeous in a business suit. What the fuck. He walks up to the counter as he spots me behind it with a cute smug on his face. Good morning sir what would you like to have?" Max asks before i can say anything . He doesn't even look at max or the menu board because he's busy looking at me. This staring shit again is getting to be a bother now. Im annoyed now and maybe it start to show on my face because he just chuckles and orders a black coffee , then makes his way to a seat in the corner. I finished his order and made my way to his table to deliver it . He looks up and smiles at me and says " thank you!" . " you're welcome" i replied and walked away. He sat there drinking his coffee and glanced at his watch looking so damn sexy as he does this. Shit snap out of it he can be a stalker. A sexy stalker. " max is busy helping the others prep for the lunch orders and I'm wiping down the counter and tables feeling his eyes on me as i do this. As im passing by his table he says. You know you never told me your name. You never asked was my reply. Ok good one . What's your name then. Its Nicole. Wow beautiful name . I'm Jason by the way he extends his hand . Nice to meet you i said as i shook it. He glanced at his watch again and frowned is something wrong i asked he looked puzzle then composed himself . Nope im supposed to meet someone here for coffee and they are a little late. Oh i said ok let me get back to work. As i walk back to the counter i heard someone say sorry I'm late boss it had lots of traffic . I turned a little to see another guy take a seat next to Jason. Hmm he looks a little familiar. Anyhow back to work for me. They sat there for about close to an hour deep in conversation over some thing with jason getting angrier by the second. Now the crowd start to come in for lunch so it was getting harder for them to carry on their convo and by the looks of it it wasn't something legal. They got up and left after it hot real crowded. They day dragged on after that until was time to close up. Max went home with the manager again and i had a feeling that i should of asked for a drop today or at least called kay because today was hectic and we finished late as we are short staffed. So now its after 5 and beginning to get dark. Waiting for a cab will take to long since i live like 10 minutes away i decided to walk. Fast this time since its getting dark out. As i pass the first set of apartment i can hear some argument in this distance i make out 2 people. Can't really make out there faces since the are a little way in front of me as I'm walking slower now .One of the guys pulled out something from in his waist which is a kind of chrome in color and aimed it at the other guy and i heard a loud explosion and a grunt. That will teach you to thief from me the shooter said as the other guy fell to the ground. I froze on the spot my legs were unable to move forward or backwards. I stood still hoping they won't see me. I heard shuffling and when i looked the shooter was coming my direction. Shit i said and starting sprinting the way i came the shooter grunted fuck and i heard a car close and an engine roar to life and speeding in my direction closer , closer next to me then swinged in front my path. Rolls down window get the fuck in. He says as he has the gun pointed at me. You can't run from me he says as i contemplate running again . I open the door and get in without looking at the driver keeping my eyes to the floor of the car. Tears forming in my eyes . Is he going to kill me . I'm not going to wee kay or max again. He drove out of the city and took the highway and drove still we drove for about an hour or so while i still kept my eyes down . My neck was starting to pain and i dare not say a word. He pulls up to a gate or something and press a button in his keys and i heard the sliding of a gate and more driving then he switches off and gets out . Comes around and tells me get out. I comply still without looking at his face. Follow me he says . I looked up to see his back as he greets about 2 others with guns also. I think they are his guards. I try to make as little eye contact as i can. One of the guys open a door and he enters followed by me. He walks in a next door and i follow. Now we are in an office and he stand at the side as i come in and closed the door. Look at me he says . I don't budge he comes in front of me and lifts my chin up to see his face as tears begin to stream. I look at his face and see its him . Jason my eyes go wide with shock . As i try to catch my breath he stares at me. What should i do with you. You shouldn't have seen that. I should've scanned my surroundings better Jason says while pacing the room. I stood there numb and frightened at the same time. I can't stop crying . Is he going to kill me. Nicole. Nicole he says . I'm not going to hurt you can you stop crying. After about 5 minutes i finally stop all the while he's standing here looking at me. Dring dring his phone rang he answered it and walked to the window and was talking in hushed tones . He hung up and told me to take a seat. I took a seat and he sat across the desk from me . I finally found my voice and asked if hes going to kill me he smiled no should i. Is he dead i asked he frowned but shook his head. Oh god Jason is a murderer i started to panic. Sweet sexy jason. Can i get you anything. No i said still sitting and looking around uncomfortably. Can you relax a little. I tried but to no avail. Let me show you to your room. Wait what! I can't stay here i said. Why is that? he asks. Because kay will be looking for me and i have work in the morning and trail off as he raise one eyebrow while looking at me. You can't leave. Why i asked. Because you will go to the police and tell then what you saw. I won't i assured him. Not taking that chance he said. He pressed in a number o his phone and said come show nicole to her room. Seconds later the door opened and another guard walks in and said follow me. I took one last look at Jason who's face look disappointed and i followed the guard out. He opened the door to a room way bigger than my bedroom. If it was under different circumstances i would of loved this room. He closed the door behind him after explaining where the kitchen was and that bathroom was in the same room as mines. I sat on the bed and my mind drifted to kay. I'm sure she's wondering where i am. I wonder what time is it. I put my hand on my back pocket searching for my phone. Shit. I feel it fell when i was running since jason has my bag in his office . I throw my self down on the bed . I didn't even know that i fell asleep. When i woke up was daylight. Shucks. I sat up on the bed looking around . I wonder if he has clothes here that i can change out of. I had one the same outfit i left home for work yesterday. I went to the bathroom to and saw a brush and comb and a new toothbrush still in the case, a clean towel and some new clothes . I inspected it then went to bathe and brush my teeth. As if on que as i came out of the bathroom, i heard a knock on the door and the guard from yesterday voice telling me breakfast is ready. I said ok and headed to the door and saw him walking away down the hall and i headed the next direction to the kitchen.

Doing my happy dance 💃💃💃

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