nicole pov

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After confessing his love for me yesterday. Once again Jason slept behind me last night. This time with his hands around my waist. When he got up this morning he told me we need to go shopping to get things for Nicolas. Plus he wanted to renovate one of the bedrooms next to us into a nursery ,and since my old room was closes to his own we decided to use that room . So today we are going for a crib, stroller ,furniture and clothing for nicolas or as jason calls him Nico for short. He was on the phone with the interior decorator right now. Organizing everything with them since he wants it done asap. After coming off the phone with them he joins me in eating breakfast since we are seated in the kitchen. I'm feeding a very fussy nico right now while jason eats a sandwich i just made while sipping his coffee. He asks me after he rest down his cup" Do you want me to hire a maid to help around the house?". I was surprised by this. He smiles . " i don't expect you to take care of this whole house plus see about a baby. I think you need some help since i will be busy most times". After thinking about the size of the house and amount of rooms here ,plus most of the time it has 2 to 3 of Jason's men here whole day and they order out for themselves i think that's a good idea. So i said yes that's a good idea and he said ok fine we will interview some people weekend . Ok after feeding nico i went to put him down and get dressed while jason headed in his office to organize things before we left since he was already dressed. Half hour late i was ready after get nico ready to i walked into Jason's office . He was behind the desk with Rogers on his right deeply engrossed in something they are watching. I cleared my throat and he looked at me with a sorry expression. " Give me 2 minutes" he said to Rogers. Ok rogers said and left. " I'm sorry babe i will have to cancel our trip". Oh yes by the way he calls me babe now. I frowned. Before i can say anything, he says i can still go but i need a guard with me. I'm confused now . "Why do i need a guard?" i asked . "I'm not taking any chances with you and my sons life, so you definitely need a guard or 2 anywhere you go from now on." Ok i said , i made a mental note to ask him about that later tonight. He calls for lex to accompany me . Before I go he gives me a card his card. "Buy anything you like" he says and kisses me before saying "Be safe". He then turns to lex and says." Make sure and keep them safe . If anything happens to them you're a dead man" . He says plain and simple. Lex nodded . " No problem boss". Lex then opens the door for me while we head out of the office then again and we leave the house . We drive out the gate and into the city. "Where to boss lady"lex asks, giving me a wide smile in the mirror. " I honestly don't know, maybe the mall so i can get everything i need ". Ok he said. We arrived at the mall and lex stepped around the car to open the door for me. I wrapped nico more cozy in his blanket since the weather was a little cold. " you don't have to come if you don't want to lex, I'm sure the stores have people to bring out my stuff". " Boss lady my job is to go anywhere you are going while you are out?" "Plus i think we are friends now so i don't mind hanging out with you" i just laughed ok, ok you win. We went in a baby store and got all the things i wanted including the crib and furniture . I waited as lex and an employee of the store carries all the boxes to the car since everything cane disassembled in boxes. I bought some outfits for him since he grew out of what my aunt bought him. Next stop was a woman Boutique and i picked up from underwear to everything else, feminine products and perfume. I picked up a cologne set for Jason and, the same one i love to smell one him. I bought a tie for lex too. When we finished shopping was a little after 3 . So yeah we took while day to shop and now i was starving plus the two bottles i brought along for nico he was on the last one now. I sat in the cafeteria feeding nico while lex went to order our food. He kept checking on me from the line and i waved at him every time he looked . He looked at me again without really looking because when i waved him he didn't smile. His eyes was fixed on something or someone over my head before quickly pulling out his phone and making a call . He came out of the line and over to me and said lets go over there he pointed to the far end which was more crowded. Confused i said ok he made sure i was directly in front of him and he kept looking around like he's searching for someone. He stood blocking my view from the way we were sitting before like he was definitely looking and waiting . I held nico closer and was beginning to panic now then 15 minutes later. I heard him before i saw him. "Where the fuck is he, that son of a bitch. Jason asked lex " He left 5 minutes ago. Shit. Jason cursed. He came over to me and lex moved out of the way . "Are you ok ?" He asks yes i answered with a shakey voice. " lets get out of here" he said . I got up and he lead me to his car with his hand on my back,with lex coming behind. When we got outside the mall i saw Rogers and Thomas here too. What the hell is going on i said to myself. He rode with lex and myself. Rogers and Thomas took his car. He sat in the back with me and held nico for me while he slept. "Are you really ok?" He asks again. " You look a little flushed?" Fright and hunger does that to you i said to myself. " I'm fine". I said. Jason kept his eyes on me right through. He told jason to go get some burgers and we went in the drive thru ordered an was waiting to collect . All this time i could feel his eyes on me but i kept looking out the window. We got our order and went home. When we arrived he told me to take nico to the room. He has to talk to lex . I complied because i was tired from all that walking and hungry at the same time so i took nico amd my burgers and left. After eating i took nico to see how far along the nursery was and i gasped as i saw it. Only thing its missing now is the crib and furniture. Hopefully jason will assemble that tomorrow. The walls was painted a light blue with white curtains and a while tiled floor. It was beautiful. I went back to Jason's room and changed my clothes and spread my self on the bed next to nico and fell asleep. I didn't even know when Jason came to bed . I woke in the night to nico fussing to feel Jason's arm around me . He stirred and opened his eyes when nico cried. I was too tired to go make a bottle so i just stuck the breast in his mouth and he was back to sleep. Jason came closer and wrapped his hand around both of us and fell back sleep.

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